
最初由 shenzhifyz 发布

我看没那么简单吧! 我怕还是掉. 我曾经买过一些治掉头发的药, 不过可能太补, 我一吃就喉咙痛! 上火.
Re: Re: 掉头发应该怎么治啊?

最初由 捶妮春 发布


:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
女孩子, 头发长到这个季节都掉, 我最近也是一把一把得掉,尤其是洗过头。 可你发现少了吗, 没有,还是那么多, 别担心, 没事的,是正常的新陈代谢^_^
Come on, sis, 50 is normal. You should do some research, it is absolutely normal at this level. You just didn't notice it before. There is enough hair on your head.The trouble is other areas, if it is also 50/day, you should take it seriously.
我在国内的阿姨是治疗脱发的专家 我知道一片一片的掉 是斑秃 ,斑秃的病因主要与精神神经系统功能紊乱和自身免疫性疾病有关.主要是由于精神受刺激.情绪不稳定.焦虑.生气.忧伤,,悲伤,突然受惊吓,长期失眠 整夜大麻将 什么的 不过一般人一天掉二十到一百根头发是正常的
还有可能就是遗传 不知道你的情况是怎样的

It depends on your age. If you are around 60, it's fine. If you are around 15, go to doctor. If between 20 and 55, get enough sleep and forget it.
最初由 maxine 发布
我在国内的阿姨是治疗脱发的专家 我知道一片一片的掉 是斑秃 ,斑秃的病因主要与精神神经系统功能紊乱和自身免疫性疾病有关.主要是由于精神受刺激.情绪不稳定.焦虑.生气.忧伤,,悲伤,突然受惊吓,长期失眠 整夜大麻将 什么的 不过一般人一天掉二十到一百根头发是正常的
还有可能就是遗传 不知道你的情况是怎样的


Don't scare her, in her case, it's only at 50 per day, sounds a lot, but not - a person normally loses hundreds a day. This is normal. Has noithing to do with 斑秃. Go to see your family doctor if you feel concerned.
最初由 陶陶 发布
女孩子, 头发长到这个季节都掉, 我最近也是一把一把得掉,尤其是洗过头。 可你发现少了吗, 没有,还是那么多, 别担心, 没事的,是正常的新陈代谢^_^

我就是发现少了. 昨天洗头掉了有150了.

平时就是50-100左右吧. 我不敢怎么抓它, 如果一抓, 可能掉得更多了.
最初由 msft 发布
Come on, sis, 50 is normal. You should do some research, it is absolutely normal at this level. You just didn't notice it before. There is enough hair on your head.The trouble is other areas, if it is also 50/day, you should take it seriously.

并且我的头发特别干, 还老打结呢! 不知道是不是以前染头发的后遗症呢.

不知道怎么对付干枯的头发. 哎! 我以前头发不是这样的.
最初由 maxine 发布
我在国内的阿姨是治疗脱发的专家 我知道一片一片的掉 是斑秃 ,斑秃的病因主要与精神神经系统功能紊乱和自身免疫性疾病有关.主要是由于精神受刺激.情绪不稳定.焦虑.生气.忧伤,,悲伤,突然受惊吓,长期失眠 整夜大麻将 什么的 不过一般人一天掉二十到一百根头发是正常的
还有可能就是遗传 不知道你的情况是怎样的


我不是班秃, 般秃是一块块的掉. 但我的是很均匀的全头掉的.
最初由 tiantian2003 发布
It depends on your age. If you are around 60, it's fine. If you are around 15, go to doctor. If between 20 and 55, get enough sleep and forget it.

那有FORGET得那么轻巧. 每天掉70,80的, 这样下去, 我可能一年多两年就都掉完了! :crying:
最初由 Chinese 发布

那有FORGET得那么轻巧. 每天掉70,80的, 这样下去, 我可能一年多两年就都掉完了! :crying:

No. They are replaced by new hair. 陶陶 already told you, it's 新陈代谢. If you worry like this, you are gonna lose more. Go and visit a doctor to see what he/she has to say.
最初由 msft 发布

No. They are replaced by new hair. 陶陶 already told you, it's 新陈代谢. If you worry like this, you are gonna lose more. Go and visit a doctor to see what he/she has to say.

说的也是. 我好象是长出一些新的头发. 但是长得慢掉得快啊.