proftpd question??????????[请求]


i have been struggling against this ftp server problem...

1. solaris 2.7, proftpd, running properly on a home LAN, accessable by the hosts within the LAN

2. a cheap router, natting setup, firewall rules...

3. port forwarding...: public 21 --> private IP:21
public 20 --> private IP:20

4. have a high end ports open on the router: say 9000-9999

5. proftpd config: PassivePorts: 9000 - 9999

Question: can not access the ftp server from Internet...since ftp client trying to negociate some ports to have the real data transmitted, and i think those ports are still being blocked by the router....

i know there must be someone else who is doing exactly the samething like i do...please shed some light for me.

thanks a lot!
Let me give it another try...thanks
Another question related to this:

How to use Passive Mode on a FTP DOS Command? I dont see an option in its help list...

ascii Sets transfer mode to ASCII (for text files and HTML pages).
binary Sets transfer mode to BINARY (for graphics and sound files).
cd Changes working directory on the remote computer.
delete Deletes files on the remote computer.
disconnect Breaks the ftp connection but keeps FTP client open.
get Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file
transfer type (the local dir is the one your launched FTP in or changed
to with the lcs command).
lcd Changes the working directory on the local computer.
ls Displays list of remote directory's files and sub-directories.
mdelete Multiple delete of files.
mget Copies multiple remote files to local computer.
mkdir Creates a remote directory.
mput Copies multiple local file to the remote computer.
put Copies a local file to the remote computer.
rename Renames remote files.
rmdir Deletes a remote directory.
type Sets or displays the file transfer type.
Ok, here is my conclusion:

1. problem is tentatively solved
2. dos command-line ftp is not a passive-mode supported ftp client s/w
3. use a passive mode supported ftp client
4. ftp serve will push the port negociatation to the client side, this way, the firewall will not block the unknown port as they are sourced from the inside of the firewall
5. voila