还记得李克强掌掴床总的精彩场面么? 中美关系大变的临门一脚就是他踢的。
相比之下,任正非在华为经历了美国多年打压后,今年发布新手机前,在华为的讲话中告诫华为员工在未来很长的一段时间,以美国为首的西方依然会是技术领域的灯塔, 华为需要继续追赶。北大才子似乎缺乏这份清醒和眼光。
In the book
Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World, authored by Donald Trump's national security adviser, retired Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, there is a section that reveals how the relations of the U.S. and China turned sour.
According to the book, Trump's visit to China on November 8, 2017, was greeted with one of the best receptions in history: a tour, dinner, and talks inside the Forbidden City. Nonetheless, it ended badly. The last of those meetings, led by Premier Li Keqiang, ended up with Trump leaving without achieving anything.
McMaster wrote that Li Keqiang began the meeting by noting that China, having already developed its industrial and technology base, no longer needed the United States. He dismissed U.S. concerns over unfair trade and economic practices, indicating that the U.S. role in the future global economy would be to provide China with raw materials, agricultural products, and energy to fuel its production of the world’s cutting-edge industrial and consumer products.
Trump, according to the book, listened for as long as he could and then interrupted the premier, thanked him, and stood up to end the meeting. In McMaster’s words, “as we drove to the hotel to prepare for the state dinner back at the Great Hall, Matt Pottinger and I discussed how starkly Premier Li’s monologue had revealed the Chinese Communist Party’s break from Deng Xiaoping’s guidance during China’s opening and reform period in the 1990s: ‘hide our capabilities and bide our time, never try to take the lead, and be able to accomplish something’”.
李克强发言时,川普耐着性子听了很久,最后还是忍不住打断了李克强的讲话,随后川普礼貌性地向李克强致谢,便起身结束了这次会议。随后川普与代表团成员返回酒店,准备参加当晚在人民大会堂举行的国宴。过程中麦克马斯特与副国安顾问博明(Matthew Pottinger)谈起下午与中方召开会议中李克强的长篇谈话,他与博明都认为,现在的中共已经不再是