P P跟魁北克俩大市长吵起来了



'So disrespectful': Montreal mayor fires back after Poilievre calls her 'incompetent

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre showed a lack of respect for elected officials by calling the mayors of Montreal and Quebec City "incompetent" on social media, Valérie Plante said Friday.

The Montreal mayor said she was "quite disturbed" by the Tory leader's comments on Thursday when he accused her and Mayor Bruno Marchand for stalling new housing construction in their respective cities

"We keep on talking about mental health and how we want everybody, all of society, to be respectful to each other … he calls himself a leader and attacking personally, naming people, calling them names — to me, it is so disrespectful to my job, his job, anyone's job, and also of the type of climate, the social climate we want to be part of," Plante said Friday in an interview with CJAD 800

Quebec City's Marchand accused him of "petty politics" and expressing "contempt for elected officials (and) for all those who work on housing issues in our city."

不愧为attack dog, 到处咬,会不会伤及自身?魁北克选票很关键
“Incompetent” 不是骂人或侮辱性词语,是对魁省领导人缺乏leadership 的一句如实评价。魁省和蒙市的影响力逐年衰落是大家有目共睹的,全是因为他们省、市政府和政策造成的。
从文中看,这些领导人还没有grow up, 事情干得再不咋地,也需要大家来鼓励,不能批评。
可以请幻想专家屁屁肚子里的蛔虫 @ztbll 网友解释一下
你这二货搞清楚状况拉吗,大蒙那市长民意很差,推打针很积极 (自己差点挂了),别的都干不来,PP批评两句怎么了,
指望P P夸他们 good job?

'So disrespectful': Montreal mayor fires back after Poilievre calls her 'incompetent

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre showed a lack of respect for elected officials by calling the mayors of Montreal and Quebec City "incompetent" on social media, Valérie Plante said Friday.

The Montreal mayor said she was "quite disturbed" by the Tory leader's comments on Thursday when he accused her and Mayor Bruno Marchand for stalling new housing construction in their respective cities

"We keep on talking about mental health and how we want everybody, all of society, to be respectful to each other … he calls himself a leader and attacking personally, naming people, calling them names — to me, it is so disrespectful to my job, his job, anyone's job, and also of the type of climate, the social climate we want to be part of," Plante said Friday in an interview with CJAD 800

Quebec City's Marchand accused him of "petty politics" and expressing "contempt for elected officials (and) for all those who work on housing issues in our city."

不愧为attack dog, 到处咬,会不会伤及自身?魁北克选票很关键

“Incompetent” 不是骂人或侮辱性词语,是对魁省领导人缺乏leadership 的一句如实评价。魁省和蒙市的影响力逐年衰落是大家有目共睹的,全是因为他们省、市政府和政策造成的。
从文中看,这些领导人还没有grow up, 事情干得再不咋地,也需要大家来鼓励,不能批评。
住房问题,魁北克在加拿大是做得最好的,那地方房租也几乎是全加拿大最便宜的,拿这件事说魁北克两大市长“无能”, 就是瞎attack。
魁北克市长说了,虽然独立屋减少,但是apartment 增加很多。蒙特利尔那个岛上无地,建apparent 是正确选择。



'So disrespectful': Montreal mayor fires back after Poilievre calls her 'incompetent

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre showed a lack of respect for elected officials by calling the mayors of Montreal and Quebec City "incompetent" on social media, Valérie Plante said Friday.

The Montreal mayor said she was "quite disturbed" by the Tory leader's comments on Thursday when he accused her and Mayor Bruno Marchand for stalling new housing construction in their respective cities

"We keep on talking about mental health and how we want everybody, all of society, to be respectful to each other … he calls himself a leader and attacking personally, naming people, calling them names — to me, it is so disrespectful to my job, his job, anyone's job, and also of the type of climate, the social climate we want to be part of," Plante said Friday in an interview with CJAD 800

Quebec City's Marchand accused him of "petty politics" and expressing "contempt for elected officials (and) for all those who work on housing issues in our city."

不愧为attack dog, 到处咬,会不会伤及自身?魁北克选票很关键
在广播里听到,PP 在国会里被称作 angry man,说是因为他成长的经历所致。很好奇,搜了一下,他的人生有个悲催的开始。
