丢谁的人了,现谁的眼了,我没觉着有人换来换去丢我的脸,我看是你觉着这些人丢你的脸了.那你以后可以在脑门上贴一纸条,上写"我和那些经常换ISP的中国人(尤其是大陆人)不是一路的",那你多拽啊.最初由 lzyang 发布
kao, 先看清楚我写的话再骂,你自己丢人现眼还以为多光彩是吧。
最初由 流星雨michelle 发布
难道有人买东西是挑贵的买吗?我记得在中国有句广告词是"只买对的不选贵的" .人家有权选择对自己有利的东西,只要不犯法就好.别人凭什么指责呢?难道楼主家里有的全部是极品?? 别人选择怎样的生活方式是个人隐私,旁人无权干扰,更无权指责!
I'd say it has nothing to do with "道德" either. To me, I have seen more of Rogers or Bell bullying its customers with its monopoly status. Switching btwn different ISPs and taking advantage of the best (either in terms of cost or service) is more than a pushing force that can help those ISPs to behave themselves and do their business better. Personally, I will do this way if I were not afraid of the inconvenience, such as swithing my emails, personal Webs etc.最初由 jk603h 发布
换来换去是非法的吗? 也许不太道德但是应该是合法的吧?