最近刚买了套,卖家21年买的房,卖家由于原先的低利率贷款要renew支付不起新的大幅提高的月供而卖房,我拿到的价格比卖家21年买入的还要低了近5万。很多人几年前买的房子现在也面临同样renew mortgage的问题,所以房价未来怎样不好说,如果只是小涨,就不如拿去投资gic等回报率也不错的其他项目。
Ottawa woman faces foreclosure and bankruptcy after Scotiabank serves her papers
At the time, the property was listed for $465,000, but Hartmann says she paid $200,000 over the asking price.

Ottawa woman faces foreclosure and bankruptcy after Scotiabank serves her papers
An Ottawa woman has had her life turned upside down and is now facing bankruptcy and foreclosure in a perfect storm of unfortunate events.