According to the latest StatsCan data, more than 3000 Chinese are living in Kanata. If you add the number of South Asian, Southeast Asian, Korean and Japanese, this number is significantly higher. Number of foreign immigrants occupies more than 20% of Kanata's total population.
Average household income in Kanata was almost 80K in 1992. Median total income per person aged 15 and over was 36K in Kanata in 2001.
It's easy to find out the suppliers of groceries, stake out 168 to see where the trucks come from. I think money is still the biggest problem. Initial investment is huge: equipments, labor, groceries (many are parishable as well).
My idea of a grocery store in the suburbs is one that can replace Market 168 or Kowloon Market, i.e. at least their size and offers the same variety. Thus suburban residents do not need to go downtown to shop for Chinese groceries. Bigger, cleaner store, free parking are only a few advantages of a suburban grocery store. Besides I think the demand is sufficient to support one more Chinese grocery store in suburbs. My only dilemma is that I'm not ready to ditch my current job yet, I have too much to lose if this business fails.
最初由 lala 发布 loan from bank if necessary ... money should not be an issue.
The challenge probably is how to get good stuff at lower price and where to get them.