创业 ideas

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But how many Chinese will remain living in kanata if
the lay off going on?


:blink: :blink: :blink:

No I think they still lack the resources to open a branch in Kanata, and I'll tell you why.

1. Money: I don't know how much Market 168 is earning each year, however I doubt that their current profit would be sufficient to open another branch.

2. People: Market 168 is a family-based business. Chances are that they will continue to use their "own people" in a new branch, and they are probably running out of people.

3. Competiton: There is little to none. So why would they want to open a branch that'll steal their current business away? Do you think they would just open new branches for our convenience?

A grocery store of that size requires a substantial amount of initial investment. While many are willing to invest, very few are willing to actually do the work. Also you must factor in the potential difficult human relationships among the investors and store management staff. That's why we are still talking about this idea. :)

最初由 J.C 发布
最初由 J.C 发布

最初由 渐渐 发布
No I think they still lack the resources to open a branch in Kanata, and I'll tell you why.

1. Money: I don't know how much Market 168 is earning each year, however I doubt that their current profit would be sufficient to open another branch.

2. People: Market 168 is a family-based business. Chances are that they will continue to use their "own people" in a new branch, and they are probably running out of people.

3. Competiton: There is little to none. So why would they want to open a branch that'll steal their current business away? Do you think they would just open new branches for our convenience?

A grocery store of that size requires a substantial amount of initial investment. While many are willing to invest, very few are willing to actually do the work. Also you must factor in the potential difficult human relationships among the investors and store management staff. That's why we are still talking about this idea. :)

你说的有道理. :cool:

168以前做得好, 是他们服务好. 后来发起来, 是他们符合了当地客源得变化趋势, 大量进大陆货, 供应北方客人(相对于广东香港来说, 大陆人算北方人). 在Kanata没做分店可能有各种考虑, 你说得都挺有道理. 另外, 3000家中国人在Kanata大概不足以开一个有规模得店吧, 这3000户人中有不少还是愿意到唐人街去得, 孩子上中文学校啦, 周末出去吃个饭啦, 等等, 总要出门, 而且毕竟OT不算大城市, 从Kanata到唐人街在周末开车20分钟也够了. 我认为他们决定开不开分店, 客源应该是第一位的决定因素.

其实本人更支持你的第一条建议, 照顾老人的服务. 毕竟现在加拿大老龄化是一个大趋势, 做什么生意也应该在符合当前社会的大趋势情况下容易做. 而且做老人的生意, 不局限于只做中国人或者亚洲人的. 客源更多些. 当然对创业的人的要求也有变化, 做本地人的生意, 就得懂本地得文化背景. 难度加了一层啊.
I like the #3 idea. Every chinese knows that he or she would like to invest money on child's education. however this daycare need speciality
For idea no.1, we can start with an online grocery store. Here is one successful example: http://www.peapod.com/

最初由 开喜 发布

你说的有道理. :cool:

168以前做得好, 是他们服务好. 后来发起来, 是他们符合了当地客源得变化趋势, 大量进大陆货, 供应北方客人(相对于广东香港来说, 大陆人算北方人). 在Kanata没做分店可能有各种考虑, 你说得都挺有道理. 另外, 3000家中国人在Kanata大概不足以开一个有规模得店吧, 这3000户人中有不少还是愿意到唐人街去得, 孩子上中文学校啦, 周末出去吃个饭啦, 等等, 总要出门, 而且毕竟OT不算大城市, 从Kanata到唐人街在周末开车20分钟也够了. 我认为他们决定开不开分店, 客源应该是第一位的决定因素.

其实本人更支持你的第一条建议, 照顾老人的服务. 毕竟现在加拿大老龄化是一个大趋势, 做什么生意也应该在符合当前社会的大趋势情况下容易做. 而且做老人的生意, 不局限于只做中国人或者亚洲人的. 客源更多些. 当然对创业的人的要求也有变化, 做本地人的生意, 就得懂本地得文化背景. 难度加了一层啊.
I think most trucks delivering food to ottawa chinese grocery stores
are from toronto.
I have seen on 401, a truck painted with "九龙".
#1 and #3
都忽略legal 问题