
开始说是Mass shooting. 后来说”Ottawa police initially referred to what happened as a mass shooting. The force has since corrected the record, saying there was no shooting on Berrigan Drive. “

从报道看,谋杀还有可能是枪,但Barrhaven 街上没有mass shooting.

"The investigation has found that an edged weapon was used to cause the deaths and injuries," Stubbs said. "To be clear, this was a mass killing, not a mass shooting."
死者:35岁母亲 Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake 和她的四个孩子: 7岁的 Inuka Wickramasinghe, 4岁的 Ashwini Wickramasinghe, 2岁的 Rinyana Wickramasinghe and 2个月大的 Kelly Wickramasinghe. 另一死者是也在那个房子住的四十岁男性 Amarakoonmubiayansela Ge Gamini Amarakoon。死者女性的丈夫重伤在医院,没有生命危险。

恶徒Febrio De-Zoysa,是19岁学生。

怎么我租的房子基本上看不到房东,平时打打电话, 实在有事,都是一个修理工来出面, 说实话, 我租住的房子到现在, 我记得只见过房东一面。

网上搜索相关名字出处,找到 同一姓氏的 斯里兰卡著名记者 Richard de Zoysa 。


Police have identified five of the victims as a family of newcomers to Canada from Sri Lanka. They are:

  • 35-year-old Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake.
  • Seven-year-old Inuka Wickramasinghe.
  • Four-year-old daughter Ashwini Wickramasinghe.
  • Two-year-old daughter Rinyana Wickramasinghe.
  • Two-month-old daughter Kelly Wickramasinghe.
Police said Ekanyake's husband was injured and is currently in hospital in stable condition.

Another man, 40-year-old Amarakoonmubiayansela Ge Gamini Amarakoon, was also killed.

Febrio De-Zoysa, 19, is charged with six counts of first-degree murder. Police said he is a Sri Lankan national who is believed to be in Canada as a student. The suspect was arrested at the scene about 15 kilometres south of Ottawa's downtown core.
Police have identified five of the victims as a family of newcomers to Canada from Sri Lanka. They are:

  • 35-year-old Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake.
  • Seven-year-old Inuka Wickramasinghe.
  • Four-year-old daughter Ashwini Wickramasinghe.
  • Two-year-old daughter Rinyana Wickramasinghe.
  • Two-month-old daughter Kelly Wickramasinghe.
Police said Ekanyake's husband was injured and is currently in hospital in stable condition.

Another man, 40-year-old Amarakoonmubiayansela Ge Gamini Amarakoon, was also killed.

Febrio De-Zoysa, 19, is charged with six counts of first-degree murder. Police said he is a Sri Lankan national who is believed to be in Canada as a student. The suspect was arrested at the scene about 15 kilometres south of Ottawa's downtown core.
也有一个可能,两家人是斯里兰卡不同的民族,儿子的好朋友来自斯里兰卡泰米尔猛虎部落,听儿子讲过虽然生在加拿大,好朋友一家从小到大被教育不要与斯里兰卡的主要民族为伍,当时一个篮球队,我就奇怪,两个来自斯里兰卡的家长之间从不交流,更别说carpool到外地比赛。我为此特意查了下, 那个中东地区常用的自杀炸弹就是猛虎这一部落发明的,用来对付斯里兰卡的主要民族。