先把contractors都裁了,然后再把Freeland和土豆裁了。Feds cutting 5,000 public service jobs, looking to turn underused buildings into housing
Five thousand public service jobs will be cut over the next four years, while underused federal office buildings, Canada Post properties and the National Defence Medical Centre in Ottawa could be turned into new housing units, as the federal government looks to find billions of dollars in...ottawa.ctvnews.ca
你想多了以Ottawa一半的政府工市场,如果像2015年那样layoff削减预算,整个渥太华全完蛋,不管你是不是政府工,包括建筑工销售人员高科技人员,像ericsson这样的公司没有政府资助会砍掉一半的人。你都不知道我太花有多少所谓的私营企业是靠政府直接或者间接funding。 就是现在只是吹吹风今年的大学毕业生找工作就比去年难好多。我说的是私营企业。