ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,821 荣誉分数 37,605 声望点数 1,393 2024-06-14 #17 月下独酌 说: 东西虽然便宜,但是没大统华啊。。想吃点啥都吃不到 那时候想吃个火锅连韭菜花都没有,都是带来的 点击展开... 是的,想吃豆腐都没有。
F FlyingEagle 知名会员 注册 2007-01-12 消息 843 荣誉分数 428 声望点数 173 2024-06-14 #18 Gregson 说: 好像早就是6.08一袋4L了吧,少说也得几个星期。 点击展开... CFC信息有些滞后。牛奶价格在加拿大央行降息前已上涨2%。 Google search "4l milk price hike 6.08", 找到1个月前信息如下。 Anyone Notice Milk went Up in Price Again? 1 mo. ago Last week across stores 20-30 cents for 4 litres… Have anything to do with the loblaws boycott? View: 2 percent Milk Price over $6 in OntarioMay 27th, 2024 11:43 am 2 percent Milk Price over $6 in Ontario - Forums The news reported grocery inflation is less than 1 percent and overall inflation is 2.7 percentage today. However, milk prices has gone up from 5.79
Gregson 说: 好像早就是6.08一袋4L了吧,少说也得几个星期。 点击展开... CFC信息有些滞后。牛奶价格在加拿大央行降息前已上涨2%。 Google search "4l milk price hike 6.08", 找到1个月前信息如下。 Anyone Notice Milk went Up in Price Again? 1 mo. ago Last week across stores 20-30 cents for 4 litres… Have anything to do with the loblaws boycott? View: 2 percent Milk Price over $6 in OntarioMay 27th, 2024 11:43 am 2 percent Milk Price over $6 in Ontario - Forums The news reported grocery inflation is less than 1 percent and overall inflation is 2.7 percentage today. However, milk prices has gone up from 5.79
Q qiqi2014 知名会员 注册 2014-03-03 消息 766 荣誉分数 179 声望点数 153 2024-06-14 #19 应该说是渥太华的超市晚涨了一个月。上个星期还买了5.89的牛奶。应该是从今天开始涨的。
L Littlecesar 资深人士 注册 2008-09-17 消息 3,976 荣誉分数 994 声望点数 223 2024-06-14 #20 ccc 说: 还记得镇屋不到$100,000,鸡蛋$0.99/打,汽油$0.50/升,看场电影$5.00的日子吗? 点击展开... 啥时候的事儿?
uglyducking 从前有座山 VIP 注册 2003-09-30 消息 79,689 荣誉分数 23,512 声望点数 1,373 2024-06-15 #23 Gregson 说: 没那么便宜,我的记录是: 浏览附件1144041 点击展开... 91号油,土豪