
你搞错了, 外国人不能给川普这样的政治人物捐款。

受害者并不是政治人物,所以捐款的法律流程就是和GOFUNDME 类似,不存在干涉选举问题,况且事主已经往生。

@CHRIS88 神父,您就别谦虚了。

A small token of sympathy. May God Almighty bless the victims and their families.


4 hours ago (edited)
The moment I saw Trump walking , I saw a different man! I noticed it right away. I even mentioned it to my husband. I said: "Omgosh, that does not even look like Trump." I saw humbleness on his face like I have never seen ever before! I could almost tell what he was thinking by his countenance. He is grateful to be alive & he KNOWS that God gave him life. He is BORN AGAIN ! ! ! Death came at his door & Jesus snatched him from the jaws of death. He knows it's not all about him now. He knows it is much bigger than just a glorified TV show or movie. All the prayers for so many years! I just hope the enemy doesn't attempt it again. That is what I am praying against. I don't feel that he is out of danger. But I do feel that he is believing in Jesus FOR SURE now! He is experiencing the LOVE & GRACE of God!............ UPDATE: I amended my statement as per the comment below regarding Trump's salvation. Someone corrected me & I agree. .....I have a tendency to think the best of everyone. I responded to the comment: " You are right. I am wrong about that point. I can't say 100% sure. Only he & the Lord know these things."


1 hour ago
I’ve never EVER seen Trump look so peaceful and strong at the same time. God had to allow this to prepare him HIS way for the sake of America and the answered prayers of believers.


2 hours ago
My thoughts were exactly the same. God touched Donald Trump! He looks humbled. Walking out on the RNC floor, he looked like he was about to tear up. Hallelujah!
Warning agaisnt false prophets: test their prophecies:

1. Doors will open for Pastor Steve the host of THAT video: too personal and too small to check;
2. Trump assissination attempt: seemingly accurate;
3. Trump rising up: almost literally true;
4. The lawfare on Trump and the (sudden) stop of it: seems to be quite accurate;
5. The revival starts from Oklahoma: here is a comment,

2 hours ago (edited)

Oklahoma did just become the first state to require the Bible be reached in p6 schools K-12 and they’re the second state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in every school. I haven’t seen any burning torches…….YET!!

6. Trump to win the presidency: will see in less than 4 months;
7. Radical rebirth of Trump: yet to see;
8. An economic crash worse than the 1929 depression: yet to see;
9. Revival of America: yet to see.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRuJE6nSObQ