又学土鳖:Telegram app founder Pavel Durov reportedly arrested at French airport

TF1 and BFM both said the investigation was focused on a lack of moderators on Telegram, and that police considered that this situation allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.


Pavel Durov is a lot of things to a lot of people. Programming prodigy. Billionaire entrepreneur. Kremlin stooge. Free-speech fighter. Biological father to at least 100 kids


Durov has repeatedly ignored requests from democratic and authoritarian governments alike to better moderate content on his platform. European Union officials argue Telegram fuels disinformation and promotes pro-Kremlin propaganda. Russia, for its part, tried and failed to block the app after it refused to turn over user messages.

Telegram is unique among major social media networks in that it doesn’t use algorithms to promote content to its users. Instead, users subscribe to channels and see posts and videos in chronological order. While that lets the platform argue it only serves users what they choose to see, bad actors have exploited the platform’s structure by posting inflammatory content in mainstream channels and then bringing new followers into more radicalized chat communities.


French investigators had issued a warrant for Durov’s arrest as part of an inquiry into allegations of fraud, drug trafficking, organised crime, promotion of terrorism and cyberbullying.

事情闹大了,110亿美元的身价去drug trafficking。


French prosecutors say Telegram messaging app CEO has been freed from custody, will appear in court​

PARIS (AP) — French prosecutors on Wednesday freed Telegram CEO Pavel Durov from police custody after four days of questioning over allegations that the messaging app is being used for illegal activities.


French prosecutors say Telegram messaging app CEO has been freed from custody, will appear in court​

PARIS (AP) — French prosecutors on Wednesday freed Telegram CEO Pavel Durov from police custody after four days of questioning over allegations that the messaging app is being used for illegal activities.



Durov has repeatedly ignored requests from democratic and authoritarian governments alike to better moderate content on his platform. European Union officials argue Telegram fuels disinformation and promotes pro-Kremlin propaganda. Russia, for its part, tried and failed to block the app after it refused to turn over user messages.

Telegram is unique among major social media networks in that it doesn’t use algorithms to promote content to its users. Instead, users subscribe to channels and see posts and videos in chronological order. While that lets the platform argue it only serves users what they choose to see, bad actors have exploited the platform’s structure by posting inflammatory content in mainstream channels and then bringing new followers into more radicalized chat communities.

俄罗斯宣传说,法国逼他把密码交出来就没事了,俄罗斯新闻发言人让俄罗斯内部人员删除telegram 上面发的敏感信息。
