Ottawa citizen 发长文批评渥太华官僚主义,大家看看有没有说错



Like many people, I sometimes have to be downtown for work. I rarely go for fun, which is a different issue altogether. When I have to be there, I typically bike or, when the weather is just too miserable, take transit.

I am privileged to live in a neighbourhood that’s close enough to downtown and relatively well-served by transit during office hours. By which I mean, the Number 11 usually kind of works.

For how long I know not, as we keep hearing of trips being cancelled due to maintenance backlogs and traffic congestion — nearly 2,000 such cancellations between Oct. 21 and 28 alone. That’s a lot of buses that never show up, leaving people stranded and making them late but also miserable.

When I need to take my car, usually because of another appointment elsewhere in the city right after work, I park at city hall, arriving around 6:30 a.m. At $20 a pop, it’s not cheap. But it’s convenient.

Except last Tuesday when I had to drive one of my kids to school because they were on crutches after a doozie of an ankle sprain. There was no time to bike, so I drove all the way. I arrived at city hall at 9:04 a.m., and the lot was full. Drove around to nearby parking garages and they were all closed except to monthly pass holders.

I had no choice but to park on the street … where you’re allowed one or two hours, depending on the street, and not a minute more.

I thought, in my adorable naïveté, that I could pay using the app and renew for another two hours at the end of the permitted period. You can do this in many other cities I spend time in, including Detroit and Quebec City. Apps even warn you when there’s just 10 or 15 minutes left to your meter, so you can renew in time and avoid getting an expensive ticket.

Why? Why are we forcing people to work downtown despite notoriously unreliable transit? And why, when they drive because there are few other options to get downtown from Orléans or Bells Corners, do we make it impossible for them to park unless they arrive before the sun is up, which isn’t convenient for everyone especially those with school-age children who need prodding every step of the morning routine?

Oh sure, everyone working two or three days a week downtown could buy monthly parking passes at $200 apiece. If you use it 10 times during the month it comes down to the same $20 a day. Not exactly a bargain. Oh, and I checked: at city hall they’re out of monthly passes and the waiting list is full. Welcome to the Hunger Games, Return-to-Office Edition. Is it worth it to help downtown business owners make a living selling $14 chicken salads?

2.自己开车parking 贵不说,难找到停车点

Like many people, I sometimes have to be downtown for work. I rarely go for fun, which is a different issue altogether. When I have to be there, I typically bike or, when the weather is just too miserable, take transit.

I am privileged to live in a neighbourhood that’s close enough to downtown and relatively well-served by transit during office hours. By which I mean, the Number 11 usually kind of works.

For how long I know not, as we keep hearing of trips being cancelled due to maintenance backlogs and traffic congestion — nearly 2,000 such cancellations between Oct. 21 and 28 alone. That’s a lot of buses that never show up, leaving people stranded and making them late but also miserable.

When I need to take my car, usually because of another appointment elsewhere in the city right after work, I park at city hall, arriving around 6:30 a.m. At $20 a pop, it’s not cheap. But it’s convenient.

Except last Tuesday when I had to drive one of my kids to school because they were on crutches after a doozie of an ankle sprain. There was no time to bike, so I drove all the way. I arrived at city hall at 9:04 a.m., and the lot was full. Drove around to nearby parking garages and they were all closed except to monthly pass holders.

I had no choice but to park on the street … where you’re allowed one or two hours, depending on the street, and not a minute more.

I thought, in my adorable naïveté, that I could pay using the app and renew for another two hours at the end of the permitted period. You can do this in many other cities I spend time in, including Detroit and Quebec City. Apps even warn you when there’s just 10 or 15 minutes left to your meter, so you can renew in time and avoid getting an expensive ticket.

Why? Why are we forcing people to work downtown despite notoriously unreliable transit? And why, when they drive because there are few other options to get downtown from Orléans or Bells Corners, do we make it impossible for them to park unless they arrive before the sun is up, which isn’t convenient for everyone especially those with school-age children who need prodding every step of the morning routine?

Oh sure, everyone working two or three days a week downtown could buy monthly parking passes at $200 apiece. If you use it 10 times during the month it comes down to the same $20 a day. Not exactly a bargain. Oh, and I checked: at city hall they’re out of monthly passes and the waiting list is full. Welcome to the Hunger Games, Return-to-Office Edition. Is it worth it to help downtown business owners make a living selling $14 chicken salads?

2.自己开车parking 贵不说,难找到停车点
关于第四点,apple VS orange。其他大城市有没有时间限制?没有时间限制的地方当然可以,如果随便延长,时间限制不是形同虚设?

关于第四点,apple VS orange。其他大城市有没有时间限制?没有时间限制的地方当然可以,如果随便延长,时间限制不是形同虚设?




你如果在渥太华街头办事,两小时不够, 比喻排队,你又不能出去,那你怎么办吧,人家唧唧确实是问题,怎么解决呢?他说了,你找不到可以停一天的停车场,唯一办法,没有公交车,你只能打的了




你如果在渥太华街头办事,两小时不够, 比喻排队,你又不能出去,那你怎么办吧,人家唧唧确实是问题,怎么解决呢?他说了,你找不到可以停一天的停车场,唯一办法,没有公交车,你只能打的了



downtown停车哪个城市都难,没解。多伦多,蒙特利尔都一样。文章里面的大城市:底特律和Quebec city不太代表大城市。

渥太华downtown停车不算难,两小时不够,parkinggarage也不少,不止city hall一个,rideau center, byward market都能停,花钱就行。

关于第四点,apple VS orange。其他大城市有没有时间限制?没有时间限制的地方当然可以,如果随便延长,时间限制不是形同虚设?
问题不是时限不时限, 而是有些地方车位真是不好找, 供不应求, 而且月费200以上, 还拿不到

有不少地方只能用app, 没有其它方式, 即使你只是偶尔去一趟, 也必须装app, 否则没法趴车

还有的地方贴的那个下载app的二维码标志上被人覆盖贴上了个假的二维码, 如果扫码下载,会装个假app
问题不是时限不时限, 而是有些地方车位真是不好找, 供不应求, 而且月费200以上, 还拿不到

有不少地方只能用app, 没有其它方式, 即使你只是偶尔去一趟, 也必须装app, 否则没法趴车

还有的地方贴的那个下载app的二维码标志上被人覆盖贴上了个假的二维码, 如果扫码下载,会装个假app
重点就是最后提到的 为啥要回去dt onsite上班……前面停车难就是找理由…很标准的不想回Office产生心理问题系列
我记得2019时Albert@Bay那附近沿街路边趴车就是用app的了, 我觉得那是city的, 我记得是可以用app续费的, 但每两个小时续一次也很烦人。当时那里也收信用卡。现在不知道那里啥情况了。

我很少沿街趴车, 一个原因是找不到空位, 另一个原因是技术不够。在繁忙的单行道上, 扫马路找到一个空位, 及时止住, 再顶着后面司机注目礼的心理压力把自己的车慢慢蹭进车位平行趴稳, 还要顾及行人和骑自行车的, 这难度过高。

疫情前常趴的几个室内停车场, 现在都不收信用卡只能用app, 是私人的

city hall的室内停车场,很久没去了, 不知道现在啥规矩
downtown停车哪个城市都难,没解。多伦多,蒙特利尔都一样。文章里面的大城市:底特律和Quebec city不太代表大城市。
渥太华总人口也就100万, 也敢沐猴而冠装作“大城市”了?
渥太华总人口也就100万, 也敢沐猴而冠装作“大城市”了?
问题不是时限不时限, 而是有些地方车位真是不好找, 供不应求, 而且月费200以上, 还拿不到

有不少地方只能用app, 没有其它方式, 即使你只是偶尔去一趟, 也必须装app, 否则没法趴车

还有的地方贴的那个下载app的二维码标志上被人覆盖贴上了个假的二维码, 如果扫码下载,会装个假app
downtown属于City的parking meter都有printed ticket, 不要牌照号码。文章里的题图就是那种,也可以用app。
