


US and Ukraine agree to terms on natural resources and reconstruction deal: Ukrainian official​

By Victoria Butenko, Nick Paton Walsh and Gul Tuysuz, CNN

Updated 5:18 PM EST, Tue February 25, 2025

Excavators mine rare earth materials on Ukrainian soil on February 25, 2025, in the Zhytomyr region.

Excavators mine rare earth materials on Ukrainian soil on February 25, 2025, in the Zhytomyr region.
Kostiantyn Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images

Kyiv CNN — The US and Ukraine have agreed to terms on a deal over natural resources and reconstruction, according to a Ukrainian official.

The source said the deal was agreed after “everything unacceptable was taken out of the text and it is now more clearly spelt out how this agreement will contribute to Ukraine’s security and peace.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky now plans to travel to Washington, the source added, saying the White House had proposed Friday for a meeting.

A White House official said they were “aware” that Zelensky is expected to be in Washington potentially at the end of this week.

The official said there was no word on whether a meeting would take place between US President Donald Trump and Zelensky.

US President Donald Trump meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on February 24, 2025.

Related articleEven as Macron flatters ‘Dear Donald,’ the US is deeply estranged from the West on Ukraine

The news comes after the same source told CNN on Monday that Ukraine was ready to agree to a deal that would grant the United States access to its rare earth minerals in return for US involvement in a reconstruction fund for Ukraine. The source said the Americans had resisted security guarantees being included in the draft.

The precise wording regarding Ukraine’s security in the latest draft was unclear.

CNN reported Monday, citing a Ukrainian source familiar with the negotiations, that some of the thornier details about the resources deal would be negotiated in subsequent talks, and that the US and Ukrainian presidents might discuss the security guarantees in person.

An earlier version of the deal, in which the Trump administration demanded a $500 billion share of Ukraine’s rare earths and other minerals in exchange for the aid the US had already provided Kyiv, was rejected by Zelensky.

A source told CNN at the weekend that Zelensky could not accept that version of the deal because it contained no American “obligations” while Ukraine was “expected to provide everything.”

Since then there have been signs the two leaders were edging closer to an agreement.

During a visit to the White House on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron commended Trump for his “decision to work with President Zelensky, and to conclude this agreement that’s so important for the US and Ukraine on rare earths, critical minerals.”

Trump told the same press conference that Zelensky “may come” to Washington this week or next.

This is a developing story. More to come


US and Ukraine agree to terms on natural resources and reconstruction deal: Ukrainian official​

By Victoria Butenko, Nick Paton Walsh and Gul Tuysuz, CNN

Updated 5:18 PM EST, Tue February 25, 2025

Excavators mine rare earth materials on Ukrainian soil on February 25, 2025, in the Zhytomyr region.

Excavators mine rare earth materials on Ukrainian soil on February 25, 2025, in the Zhytomyr region.
Kostiantyn Liberov/Libkos/Getty Images

Kyiv CNN — The US and Ukraine have agreed to terms on a deal over natural resources and reconstruction, according to a Ukrainian official.

The source said the deal was agreed after “everything unacceptable was taken out of the text and it is now more clearly spelt out how this agreement will contribute to Ukraine’s security and peace.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky now plans to travel to Washington, the source added, saying the White House had proposed Friday for a meeting.

A White House official said they were “aware” that Zelensky is expected to be in Washington potentially at the end of this week.

The official said there was no word on whether a meeting would take place between US President Donald Trump and Zelensky.

US President Donald Trump meets with French President Emmanuel Macron in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on February 24, 2025.

Related articleEven as Macron flatters ‘Dear Donald,’ the US is deeply estranged from the West on Ukraine
The news comes after the same source told CNN on Monday that Ukraine was ready to agree to a deal that would grant the United States access to its rare earth minerals in return for US involvement in a reconstruction fund for Ukraine. The source said the Americans had resisted security guarantees being included in the draft.

The precise wording regarding Ukraine’s security in the latest draft was unclear.

CNN reported Monday, citing a Ukrainian source familiar with the negotiations, that some of the thornier details about the resources deal would be negotiated in subsequent talks, and that the US and Ukrainian presidents might discuss the security guarantees in person.

An earlier version of the deal, in which the Trump administration demanded a $500 billion share of Ukraine’s rare earths and other minerals in exchange for the aid the US had already provided Kyiv, was rejected by Zelensky.

A source told CNN at the weekend that Zelensky could not accept that version of the deal because it contained no American “obligations” while Ukraine was “expected to provide everything.”

Since then there have been signs the two leaders were edging closer to an agreement.

During a visit to the White House on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron commended Trump for his “decision to work with President Zelensky, and to conclude this agreement that’s so important for the US and Ukraine on rare earths, critical minerals.”

Trump told the same press conference that Zelensky “may come” to Washington this week or next.

This is a developing story. More to come


战斗? 还是先看看下届政府是哪个吧,如果是碳税卡尼,那就洗洗睡吧,死定了。
战斗? 还是先看看下届政府是哪个吧,如果是碳税卡尼,那就洗洗睡吧,死定了。
联邦自由党党领及加拿大总理候选人周一(2月24日)晚间在蒙特利尔展开首场电视辩论。在这场以法语进行的辩论中,如何应对美国总统特朗普对加拿大经济和主权的威胁成为贯穿全场的核心议题。此外,包括最热门人选卡尼(Mark Carney)在内的三位候选人提议取消消费者碳税。

出席辩论的四位候选人分别是(上图左起):前加拿大央行行长马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)、前副总理兼财政部长方慧兰(Chrystia Freeland)、自由党前众议院领袖卡琳娜·古尔德(Karina Gould)以及前国会议员弗兰克·贝利斯(Frank Baylis)。

卡尼:减少对美依赖 增强自身经济实力





战斗? 还是先看看下届政府是哪个吧,如果是碳税卡尼,那就洗洗睡吧,死定了。



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反馈: jy

你对PP修东西管线有没有信心?我觉得只有自由党能做成这事。PP代表的是阿尔伯塔的利益,魁北克人是不会听他的。不要动不动就要停人家的equalization payment。那是别的交易的一部分。管线是另一门生意,一句话“再给钱”. 这样的话,你觉得让联邦给,还是阿省给呢?


