


JD Vance的发言成为fight的转折点。。。
Interesting exchanges:

“What kind of diplomacy, JD you are asking about “, 司机直呼JD其明,JD至少称呼司机“Mr President”

对Trump: “You have a nice ocean, you don’t feel it now, you will feel it later”
Trump responded: " Don't tell us what WE are going to feel. ... because you are in no position to dictate that. Remember ( Trump raised his voice and slow some words spelling) that you are in no position to dictate what we gotta feel. We are going to feel v-e-r-y g-o-o-d. We are going to feel very good and strong influence. You right now are not in a very good position. You allowed yourself to be in a very bad position. ( raised a bit voice again) You don't have a card right now.... You are gambling with millions of people, You are gambling with World War III. What you are doing is not respectful to this country ( pointing to his figure indicating America), This country is back to you. ..."

If 司机 had Benjamin Netanyahu's power and influence in America, why bother to argue with Trump and JD in WH, and should have gone to lobby the congressmen, When Benjamin visited America, he did not even visit WH and did not even meet with President 08 instead he went to the congress.
床铺、万斯各举着一只鞋,小泽双手举着两只 ...... :D

太形象了, 明目张胆,各举一只鞋,打,狠打; 司机只有疼的份儿了。 很想尽快知结果,也许,加拿大 , 哦,加拿大,,,
太形象了, 明目张胆,各举一只鞋,打,狠打; 司机只有疼的份儿了。 很想尽快知结果,也许,加拿大 , 哦,加拿大,,,
Interesting exchanges:

Trump responded: " Don't tell us what WE are going to feel. ... because you are in no position to dictate that. Remember ( Trump raised his voice and slow some words spelling) that you are in no position to dictate what we gotta feel. We are going to feel v-e-r-y g-o-o-d. We are going to feel very good and strong influence. You right now are not in a very good position. You allowed yourself to be in a very bad position. ( raised a bit voice again) You don't have a card right now.... You are gambling with millions of people, You are gambling with World War III. What you are doing is not respectful to this country ( pointing to his figure indicating America), This country is back to you. ..."

If 司机 had Benjamin Netanyahu's power and influence in America, why bother to argue with Trump and JD in WH, and should have gone to lobby the congressmen, When Benjamin visited America, he did not even visit WH and did not even meet with President 08 instead he went to the congress.


有点悲哀,强者于弱者的不同,人类社会还有没真正的援助正义。如果以后一个国家受灾(战争或自然灾难),别指望援助,因为后人几代要偿还尊严和物质。 援助者会指着鼻子当众羞辱:‘没有我,你连车武器都没有‘;没有我,你什么都不是。 靠,还不如直接承受灾难,是死是活,天说了算,也没有羞辱


有点悲哀,强者于弱者的不同,人类社会还有没真正的援助正义。如果以后一个国家受灾(战争或自然灾难),别指望援助,因为后人几代要偿还尊严和物质。 援助者会指着鼻子当众羞辱:‘没有我,你连车都没有“;没有我,你什么都不是。 靠,还不如直接承受灾难,是死是活,天说了算,也没有羞辱
你别忘了说谢谢,你整场都没有说謝谢 .

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