

应该啥都不管了,直接撂挑子,甭管啥芬太尼还是芬大尼,爱谁谁, 只堵从南边来偷渡的
福特发誓要做的多了,信口开河罢了。Starlink 的合同取消的事又没动静了吧
福特发誓要做的多了,信口开河罢了。Starlink 的合同取消的事又没动静了吧

馊,窝特? 说痛快了,舒服了就行了。这也是未尝不可的
福特发誓要做的多了,信口开河罢了。Starlink 的合同取消的事又没动静了吧

“Ontario will ban American companies from $30 billion worth of procurement contracts, rip up a $100-million Starlink deal and eradicate U.S. booze in its first wave of retaliations against U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariffs, Premier Doug Ford said Tuesday.”




没,这是唯一。 刚刚有记者问土豆了,土豆说也问过,就这个

再说,老川不敢惹中国,让加拿大墨西哥当一线战场, 也忒爽了
Trump will say

Let me tell you, folks, Canada’s fighting back against these tremendous, absolutely fantastic U.S. tariffs—and they think they’re tough, right? Wrong! They’re hitting us with their little 25% tariffs, $155 billion worth, on our great American goods—orange juice, beer, motorcycles, you name it. Sad! They’ve got Trudeau up there, saying, “We’re not backing down!” Like he’s some big shot. Please. I put a beautiful 25% tariff on their stuff—energy’s only 10%, because I’m generous, folks, very generous—and they’re crying about it.

They’re pulling Kentucky bourbon off the shelves—disgraceful! Targeting red states, thinking they’re so smart. They’re not. I’ve got the best trade deals, nobody does it better, and Canada? They need us more than we need them—big league. Their economy’s a mess without our tremendous American market. They’re talking about Tesla, 100% tariffs—Elon’s a genius, by the way, loves me—but we’ll see who blinks first. Believe me, it won’t be us. We’re winning, folks, and Canada’s just playing catch-up. Pathetic!

三个国家一起关税,全部消费品覆盖,直接重伤。 加拿大避开不买,过两年再买,不太疼
Trump will say

Let me tell you, folks, Canada’s fighting back against these tremendous, absolutely fantastic U.S. tariffs—and they think they’re tough, right? Wrong! They’re hitting us with their little 25% tariffs, $155 billion worth, on our great American goods—orange juice, beer, motorcycles, you name it. Sad! They’ve got Trudeau up there, saying, “We’re not backing down!” Like he’s some big shot. Please. I put a beautiful 25% tariff on their stuff—energy’s only 10%, because I’m generous, folks, very generous—and they’re crying about it.

They’re pulling Kentucky bourbon off the shelves—disgraceful! Targeting red states, thinking they’re so smart. They’re not. I’ve got the best trade deals, nobody does it better, and Canada? They need us more than we need them—big league. Their economy’s a mess without our tremendous American market. They’re talking about Tesla, 100% tariffs—Elon’s a genius, by the way, loves me—but we’ll see who blinks first. Believe me, it won’t be us. We’re winning, folks, and Canada’s just playing catch-up. Pathetic!

信他? 油管上哭成一片了