土豆已经从党首位置上辞职了, 如果卡尼是党首, 那就需要一个大选来让他成为议员。
令人悲痛啊,这么好的总理,每分钟都在想如何更好的为加拿大人民服务的好总理,被外部强权赶走了。土豆子前天还说过渡期无限期呢,昨天头巾还说现在国难当头,不要大选,今天就破了。Trudeau vows to not be ‘caretaker’ PM, gets emotional at one of his last events
Trudeau vows to not be ‘caretaker’ PM, gets emotional at one of his last events
Justin Trudeau said today, in what was one of, if not his final press conference as prime minister, that he won’t try to stay on in a caretaker capacity once his successor is named.www.ctvnews.ca
Indigenous不用为他悲痛。听新闻说,昨天又高调签合约 20亿?(忘了几个零与细节)与 indignal community to develop the economic . 这种高大上program会促进国家经济吗?很快地,很多失业工人多么需要补贴啊。
加拿大现在国债已经这么高了。还在猛花钱。不用为他悲痛。听新闻说,昨天又高调签合约 20亿?(忘了几个零与细节)与 indignal community to develop the economic . 这种高大上program会促进国家经济吗?很快地,很多失业工人多么需要补贴啊。