Can Canada join the EU? Flattered Brussels hails strong ties
The seemingly fanciful prospect was addressed by Brussels on Wednesday, with a spokesperson saying the bloc was flattered by the interest.
加入美国变二等公民?没有全民医保,到处是枪 ,没有voting right。你以为老国王真想要加拿大人?他只想要加拿大资源,稀有金属,水等而已。![]()
Can Canada join the EU? Flattered Brussels hails strong ties
The seemingly fanciful prospect was addressed by Brussels on Wednesday, with a spokesperson saying the bloc was flattered by the
我的意思是房价下跌是挡不住的,而努力争取还有窝头吃,才是那个时候的头等大事。房子这么大物件不重要了,这就是你们这派所谓的common sense