eclichen 知名会员 注册 2002-07-04 消息 598 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 所在地 中国上海 2004-01-04 #16 最初由 chinacsn 发布 我觉得我的IBM Thinkpad很不错,就是价格太高了,害我勒紧裤带了。$1200啊 点击展开... 国内可不止这个价
M moose 知名会员 注册 2002-11-26 消息 3,463 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 148 2004-01-04 #17 how much for your Compaq Laptop ?
N Newuser 新手上路 注册 2002-04-15 消息 21 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-01-05 #18 Thanks for those giving their suggestions. I have decided not to buy the warranty. The laptop itself cost me $1799 (after $300 discount) before tax which is pretty expensive.
Thanks for those giving their suggestions. I have decided not to buy the warranty. The laptop itself cost me $1799 (after $300 discount) before tax which is pretty expensive.
W&X 新手上路 注册 2003-08-15 消息 508 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 0 2004-01-06 #19 别买,不值。我去年六月再futureshop买的笔记本$2600+tax,带一年的保险。我就没再买。我的电脑现在不值钱了,再过两年要是坏了,我在加点钱,就能买台新的了。
pandora 知名会员 注册 2003-08-10 消息 5,004 荣誉分数 36 声望点数 158 2004-01-06 #20 我买东西一向不买保险 该坏的早就坏了 一年不坏的东西等到坏了也不值钱了
C chinacsn 新手上路 注册 2004-01-04 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-01-13 #21 我买的是最便宜的一款,国内IBM网站公布是9999元人民币。型号是R40 E 2684 N2C