紧急求教一下:Malfunction Indicator lamp亮了怎么办?


紧急求教一下:Malfunction Indicator lamp(第二排左手第一个灯写着‘CHECK’的黄灯)亮了怎么办?
今天看了一下车CIVIC的手册,说一个可能是EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM的问题(但不可能呀我刚从DEALER处买来一周呀都通过EMISSION检查的呀),另一个是说可能加油口的帽没盖好(这到有可能,这灯亮前10来分钟刚加了油有可能没拧紧)。此外手册就没别的了,说不是这两原因让找DEALER检查,而且很紧急会DAMAGE车。这灯亮了有两天了(也开车了)。
我刚才去把车油盖好好拧好了,发动了两次那灯都还亮着,那我可怎么办呀,我昨天去问过DEALER,他让我去换机油和FILTER,尤其FILTER。(我在说我车问题前,问过他我的保养记录的事,他告诉我,在我买车时都是换成BRAND NEW的了,但现在才这么几天他就让我换那些东西试试,有用吗? 另外,DEALER有责任给弄吗(有POWERTRAIN BRONZE WARANTY,我只买了一周呀),或者我去哪个车厂检查好呢?第一次买车,啥也不懂,还是应该联系WARANTY 公司呢?我应该怎么办呢?
check engine light

if it's the check engine light stays on the dash, its usually caused by the emission control device such as EGR valve etc, it can be many other things as well such as oxygen sensor, catalytic converter etc.

I think you should contact the dealer where you bought the car from, because this car should be under warrenty, most dealer provide 30 days of warrenty for the "mechanical" breakdown, I am not sure about the emission parts, however, they should repair under the "good will", which honor you the repair job, or at least give you some sort of financial compensation, because you just bought the car from them less than a week afterall, any dealer should do something about this kind of problem if they want to keep up the good reputation, unless they are a smaller dealer that deal only with 2nd hand car only, then you might have difficult to deal with.

check your buyer's agreement and make sure read the fine print disclaimer part, if they dont' want to honor any free repair job, then you can try to contact the "government consumer protection department", see if you can get any help from them to resolve the issue.
最初由 love2000123- 发布
去换机油和FILTER可能有帮助吗?- 应该不管用。你买车之前他们说已经换过了,除非机器漏油严重,已经漏到底限以下。或是供油系统有泄漏, 这两样都是需要严重关注的!手段高一点的dealer会把问题掩盖的好一点,至少一个月以后才出问题。
最初由 love2000123- 发布

I suggest you talk to your dealer nicely first, let them help you, there are no point to do the oil change right now, anything you do right now is meaningless unless you know what's the problem with the car first. FYI, just a personal opinion, i dont' think this is a simple oil change problem at all.

suggestion: talk to your dealer, tell them the situation/condition of the car, and remind them that this "should be" their resposbilities beause they just sold you the car in less a week ago, and there should be safety check(not sure if this is covered by that) warrenty and some very basic warrenty provided by them, and remind this is a basic code of ethic for any car dealer! and whatever they promiss you again, please, can't say it enough, please have them in writing, because any oral promiss is meaningless and it can't stand a change in the court if you decided to claim damage through "small damage claim court" Ontario. you can check the web site of the UCDA(used car dealer association), contact them and see if they can help you out or provide with any suggestion.
我刚从一个车厂回来,检查出来了,是一个传感器坏了,总共需要300才能下来。我也问过我那小DEALER,他说,man,it is used car.他不管,说是POWERCHAIN的问题找那WARANTY公司,不是的话,我得自己付了。在那车厂碰到另一个中国人,他也说在DEALER那都有30天到45天的完全担保呀?但我当时买时,因为DEALER告诉我有4年的WANRANTY,不要担心车坏的事,我就没问,我哪知道最后(他当时没给我那WARANTY单子,到车出问题的当天我才拿到)那只是POWERCHAIN WARANTY呀。真没办法,去到政府部门COMPLAIN能行吗?还是算了?
补充一下,那DEALER还建议我,都不用修换那个传感器SENSOR 2,说那样没关系的,它很贵的。我说那警察不CHARGE我呀,我车排放尾气超标。那传感器真没啥用吗?