Re: Re: 后现代主义浅谈[原创]
最初由 狼狼的小羊 发布
7, O 2...
看了两遍,楼主也没谈出个啥呀,不知 一浅潜到哪里去了。
postmodern society 相对于 modern society 指 a society and its economic relations are no longer primarily organized on the basis of material goods. Rather,everything is organized on the basis of information and knowledge, or soon will be. 换句话说,it often referred to as the arrival of a ( global) information society, sometimes discussed as a "weightless world" or a new network society, in the past this change has been characterized as the arrival of a postindustrial or service society.
后现代不是主义 ,98年国内的《读书》杂志上就有论述that i agree.
这回事the developed country还在aruge a lot到底有没有so post 呢,你倒不谦虚先捡自己身边的人冠上了,这百花齐放的思想花瓣,每片都要飘到自家花园里吗?
否定?英文是什么? 这个claim出处谁家? 还是你自己“称之的”?
崔健,俺不甚了解,不过请别侮辱“伤痕文学”,and may i say this : please do not use the big words that you don't understand !