最初由 maymay 发布
谢谢你的回复!!!最初由 haoren1 发布
The price has gone down trememdously since 1998. I paid 4,440 for my two eyes, but now you can expect to pay less than 1,000.
The actual surgery itself only takes a few seconds for each eye. The preparation for the surgery takes about 10 mintues. The doctor will put eye drops in your eye to freez the cornea so that you feel no pain. The critical thing to do after the surgery is to rest and use the antibiotic drops and pills as instructed by the doctor. What you don't want to have is an infection. One needs a good week to rest. I have the whole procedure on tape. I think I still have the tape.
最初由 haoren1 发布
The price has gone down trememdously since 1998. I paid 4,440 for my two eyes, but now you can expect to pay less than 1,000.
The actual surgery itself only takes a few seconds for each eye. The preparation for the surgery takes about 10 mintues. The doctor will put eye drops in your eye to freez the cornea so that you feel no pain. The critical thing to do after the surgery is to rest and use the antibiotic drops and pills as instructed by the doctor. What you don't want to have is an infection. One needs a good week to rest. I have the whole procedure on tape. I think I still have the tape.