
I had such operation on my eyes in 1999. I'm feeling quite convenient now. It's really a good way to improve your eye-sight. But it's not suitable for everyone. If you want to do it, you have to take the initial eye examination carefully and choose a designated hospital. It's a must. I heard about some accidents caused by lacking of eye examination.
I had my consultation at the Focus Center, here is what I got from them:

1. The risk of laser eye surgery is minimal to none, depending on the type of procedure.

2. There are 2 kinds of procedures now available: Lasik and PRK, each has its own pros and cons, but in general, the surgeon felt that PRK is a superior procedure because the risk of cornea detachment is almost nil.

3. The actual procedure will take less than 2 minutes for both eyes. Recovery time is said to be between 3 to 5 days, but it varies from person to person.

4. Any good laser eye clinic would garantee the corrected vision for life, that is if there is a regression of your vision, they'll operate again free of charge, given that the re-operation is recommended by an affiliated optician.

5. Cost for such surgery (Wavefront PRK) will be $4700 for both eyes in my case, traditional PRK will cost $4000, taxes included.
不知道公司的insurance cover吗?
最初由 无谓 发布


最初由 COWBOY 发布


最初由 渐渐 发布
I had my consultation at the Focus Center, here is what I got from them:

4. Any good laser eye clinic would garantee the corrected vision for life, that is if there is a regression of your vision, they'll operate again free of charge, given that the re-operation is recommended by an affiliated optician.

Actually I consulted with at least ten eye doctors who were from Tongren, Xiehe, Beijing, Youyi and Renmin hospitals before I had the laser eye surgery in 1999 in Beijing. It's quite interesting that almost all the elder doctors objected such operation, while the younger ones encouraged me to take it. I belived that there were some risks at that time. At last I made it after comparing the cons and pros. I hated the glasses and contact lense then.

Lasik is better then PRK from the aspect of recovery. It will take you six months to recover if you have PRK surgery, while one month for Lasik. But you cann't choose which one you will take. It depends on the result of your initial eye examination.

I don't think it's a good thing if you believe that the laser eye clinic would garantee the corrected vision for life. No one could do that, since this kind of technique is quite new, no more than 20 years. It's also a kind of risk if you want to have this operation more than twice.

I'm lucky that my vision is good now.
It realy varies from person to person. Because the amount of cornea that the PRK will cut off is so small (the lower the prescription, the less cornea to cut), there is still a chance for more surgeries.

The girl from the Focus Center had regression and had done the laser surgery twice. So it's really not impossible.

最初由 colorfulwolf 发布

Well, not exactly, or maybe the Chinese doctors tell their patients otherwise.

What I was told by the eye surgeon at the Focus Center is this: Lasik does have faster recovery time, but it's counted in DAYS not MONTHS. PRK will take about 3-5 days to recover whereas Lasik only takes about 1-2 days.

A good friend of mine had PRK and it took her 2 weeks to be fully recovered, because she had infection.

最初由 Moon Dog 发布
Lasik is better then PRK from the aspect of recovery. It will take you six months to recover if you have PRK surgery, while one month for Lasik. But you cann't choose which one you will take. It depends on the result of your initial eye examination.
我去年在Focus Eye Centre做的PRK, 手术情况和"haoren1"所说, 还有渐渐了解的, 笨蛋国际看见的, 都一样.

好处不用说了, 楼上都说到了. 其他方面:

1. PRK刚做完的时候48小时绝对休息静养, 几乎什么都不能看. 不是看不见, 而是眼睛觉得痒, 因为保护膜 (就是一层象隐形眼镜似的透明东西). 好象眼睛里边有睫毛掉进去了, 闭上眼睛就不痒了, 所以尽量闭着. 再说, 前两天要吃的药里有镇静或者睡眠药, 不想睡也的睡.

2. 眼镜钱是省了, 但是墨镜钱可花了不少. 你要是象我一样丢三落四的, 就得多买几副到处预备着. 车里, 家里, 办公室, 因为刚开始的时候特别怕光,墨镜是觉得不能少的. 有时候在光线比较亮的屋里都要戴, (如果你在 Focus Eye做, 他们给一副挺好的墨镜). 现在都8个月了, 我还偶尔在屋里戴墨镜呢.

3. 眼睛觉得干, 经常要滴眼药水. 到现在我都离不开眼药水, 都成滴眼药专家了.

4. 眼睛娇气了. 疲倦的时候, 先觉得眼睛累, 干. 过敏季节本来和我无缘, 但是今年眼睛就酸而且流泪.

但是所有话说完, 还是觉得这手术做的特别值.Focus Eye Centre那些人也特别好, 服务没的说, 让人觉得他们不但特别专业, 而且特别值得信任. Dr.Edmonson是这行里最有名望的医生了. 我就冲他的名字才去的.