
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 terry
  • 开始时间 开始时间
I will spend all my money, every single dollar. At the age of 70, I plan to take a shovel and go far into the wilderness, somewhere far away from human habitants. I will dig a nice hole and lie in it. That's how I will leave this world - nice and quiet and no burden to other people. No need for RRSP.

I excercise everyday to keep fit, so that when I am 70, I will be strong enough to dig my nice hole. :)
i think you need 1 million dollars

buddy, you need at least a million dollars because of the inflation, rising cost of living, your personal needs, your health condition and of course, most important, your life style.

In order to keep my current living style, my finanical adviser said i need about 2 million
最初由 haoren1 发布
I will spend all my money, every single dollar. At the age of 70, I plan to take a shovel and go far into the wilderness, somewhere far away from human habitants. I will dig a nice hole and lie in it. That's how I will leave this world - nice and quiet and no burden to other people. No need for RRSP.
最初由 周生生 发布
:cool: :cool:
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
At the age of 100, I still can earn some quarters every day, no problem.

But probably you will be spending more quarters than you are doing right now.
相信这些数字是根据一定的标准和假设算出来的(应该已考虑到了通货膨胀的因素),但并不是天文数字。钱有time value,比如说,一个人现年35岁,打算65岁退休,现在开始往RRSP里存钱,要存30年。如果按年收益4%算,每年存5000,到退休时会有28万;每年存8000,退休时会有45万;每年存12000,退休时会有67万。

RRSP是一个合理避税的工具,不仅可以减少当年的上税数额,而且在其中的投资收益也可以暂缓缴税,有额度的人还是应该每年都买的。 再说年轻的时候为自己年老的时候存钱也是应该的,以免晚景凄凉。与其存钱在一般的银行帐户,不如放在RRSP帐户里。积累的钱越多,晚年就越有保障。退休后光靠政府的救济与补贴是远远不能维持一定的生活水准的。


最初由 terry 发布
看了一个加拿大FINACIAL ADVISER的一篇关于RRSP的文章,关于攒够多少钱在RRSP才能使退休后有DECENT的退休收入。由於不同的城市的消费和生活水平不一样,在不同城市它的要求也不一样。


VANCOUVER; 700000加币
ONTARIO 650000加币
ALBATA 450000加币
QEBEC 350000加币

最初由 周生生 发布

