我网速太慢。。词在这= =~~
Sing for My moment
did it ever happen that you really wanna sing. you wanna sing for the moment, the moment you try to cling. sometimes, lyrics just burst out without a reason, who knows what life's about and what's going to happen. maybe the zone of unknown is what keeps us alone, the fear has grown big and tries to worsen the wounds, maybe we should undo the cloak to show the truth, or you surrender to live in this infected youth.
sometimes i believe life is just a imagination, i dare not say it i am scared of condemination. and yet the pain and losses make life feel so real, death wanna steal what took a life to fullfill. but we advance once again tho don't stand a chance, should we turn around to glance what has been enhanced? see my point is that we do things without thinking, so we just do what we like to do such as singing.
why putting people in different breeds, nerds and freaks, the only difference is they study to read and you smoke weed. see different people are meant to have different futures, why putting pressure on the kids who hate teachers. sometimes you strive to be free you give up your greed, but retreat brings death like lightning does to a tree. people tell you to have a strong grip on yourself, but you can't help setting traps to only trap yourself. sometimes you can't face the hardship you escape, but the only way to save yourself is to try be brave. on the day that you back away from all this hate, your fate is to be in the grave that losers' bodies lay.
i came to realize the fact that life is a struggle, i am unable to reach perfection man it's pitiful. when i go deep down within myself i see a cannible, so i ama keep preying until time's ending sylible. one time i tried enriched my human conscience, now i only try to maintain my human functions. when my passion crashes on the ice of depression, my last hope is sunken like titanic in the ocean. i don't wanna grow up to be lifeless like a statue, even if in a big house and drivin a bmw. faith, belief, trust and friendship is critical, but how can you get all that if all the people just with you. don't you just hate when people don't take you seriously, endlessly addressing question marks on your abilities, don't you pity me take back your cheap sympathies, i sing for myself and i sing for my enemies.
世界上有六○亿人每人有自己的感受,这就是我的音乐我不管你接受不接受,想说就说想骂就骂用不着瞻前顾后,我的人民在呐喊 go go go。 我们赤赤裸裸的来到这个世界,我们注定要经历成功失败和毁灭,看着有些人们为了钱付出了一切,看看他们作的孽, this shit! 不就是活一辈子有什么大不了,不要那么diao其实人类很渺小,世界上的人都在一天天变老,老天让你死我看你往哪儿跑。无论别人怎么看你其实都无所谓,才貌双全多才多艺你丫累不累?想干什么就干什么管它对不对,shut up and listen what you gotta say. 其实这很幸运可以投胎作个人
可以享受成功失败与人生的沉沦, 每天都有新的生命哭着来到这世界, 每天坟地里都会多些叹气的灵魂, 人生并不只有成功失败两扇门, 人生可以很精彩哪怕身无分文, 人生的意义我不知道我只是个人, 莫非那茫茫的苍天上真的有个神