Carleton U. 国际学生的好消息



Please read Laura's original message below carefully to understand the purpose of this discussion group:

In the past years, I have had discussions with many of you about
immigration concerns, off-campus employment, the difficulties in finding a
job after graduation because of immigration time limits and so forth.
Given that this is an issue that concerns all of you in one way or
another, I wanted us to meet to discuss these concerns and work together
on an advocacy plan. In the past, there have been efforts to bring
international students together to discuss concerns and to work on a
campaign to raise awareness particularly with immigration and I would like
once again to get this started. While those of us that work in this area
are constantly trying to raise issues, without your voice behind us, we
are not very loud. I would like us to work together as I believe that
unless Canada Immigration hears your voice, change will be slow to come.

在Manitoba有个pioneer project,他们的学生可以每个星期off campus工作20小时,summer时候unlimited
我们在首都,为什么我们没有这些pioneer project呢,我们正因为我们是在首都,所以,我们的态度能更直接的影响到加拿大的各个角落

Immigration Discussion Group

Minutes of Friday, January 23 Meeting

Laura Cohen, the International Student Advisor, opened the meeting with a brief history of events leading to the creation of this group. Anup Pradhanang, a graduate international student, contacted Laura with concerns regarding the way in which immigration officers treated international students, the waiting period for the Post-Graduate Work Experience Program (PGWEP), as well as the significant delays incurred when applying for visa extensions during peak times. Following this meeting, it was decided that it was important to try to bring international students together and work towards initiating changes to current immigration practices and policies.

This is not the first attempt to work on these issues. In 2001, a Carleton international student, Rita Liazza started an initiative that generated a powerful response from students, the university, and the government. It resulted in a documentary, and a research paper, both titled “Voices at Work.”

Rita provided a brief overview of the initiative and copies of the report were circulated at the meeting. She also discussed “International Student Day of Action” (ISDA) which took place at the same time. This day of action created great momentum for the students’ advocacy efforts in addition to providing the opportunity for international students to voice their dissatisfaction with immigration policies to a panel comprised of the guests invited to the special event.

The floor was then opened the floor to questions and comments related to figuring out “What’s the next step?”

§ One student noted that his purpose for attending today’s meeting was to learn more about the issues at hand. He recognized the potential for a much larger movement within Ottawa given that there are 3 universities and 2 colleges. He stated that it was time for international students to choose their objective and to raise their voices. Contact Members of Parliament (MPs), CUSA, perhaps even get the support of the administration.

§ Another student inquired about the rumoured pilot projects throughout Canada and asked for some details regarding them.

Information was provided about the pilot projects currently in process in select provinces:

§ Students graduating from a university in New Brunswick and Alberta will now have the opportunity to work for two years upon graduation instead of the current one-year Work Permit offered through the Post-Graduate Work Experience Program (PGWEP).

§ Students applying for an Alberta post-secondary institution from China, Vietnam and India will have their Study Permit applications processed more swiftly than for institutions in other provinces.

§ Students in Manitoba will be allowed to work off-campus.

This was followed with much discussion and the question was posed: What’s the next step?

There were three recurring themes as the crowd responded to this question.

1. Group needs to focus in on one or two items of greatest concern. If many issues are tackled at once, the group will not be as effective.

2. To recognise that international students are consumers ? education is the second greatest export for Canada after wheat! Wear your “consumer hat” ? you’re a customer and you want better service.

3. Identify existing myths regarding international students and work together to educate the Canadian population with facts from surveys, Voices at Work, and so forth.

It was noted as well that all students come from different backgrounds with different problems ? it is for this reason that, again, it is so important to focus in on one or two that are of most concern to all students.

Laura then closed the meeting offering to assist the group in their advocacy endeavours through providing space to hold meetings, facilitating discussions, and offering advocacy guidance (i.e. how to request a meeting with the Liberal caucus, what is the structure of the government). A challenge was also made for each person in attendance to bring at least one friend to the next meeting. The group agreed to this challenge and the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 26th, 2004 at 4pm in Room 447 Tory Building.
Carleton 2000多个国际学生
最初由 ???狗 发布,
在Manitoba有个pioneer project,他们的学生可以每个星期off campus工作20小时,summer时候unlimited
我们在首都,为什么我们没有这些pioneer project呢,我们正因为我们是在首都,所以,我们的态度能更直接的影响到加拿大的各个角落

公开站点: [/B]

我是pioneer project的受益者,祝你好运

:D :D
Re: Re: Carleton U. 国际学生的好消息

最初由 泛蓝 发布

我是pioneer project的受益者,祝你好运

:D :D

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 26th, 2004 at 4pm in Room 447 Tory Building.
最初由 ???狗 发布
Carleton 2000多个国际学生
Re: Re: Re: Carleton U. 国际学生的好消息

最初由 ???狗 发布



201-250 | Tsing Hua Univ | China |0.0 0.0 10.6 54.0 10.4
201-250 | Univ Manitoba | Canada |0.0 22.9 5.3 33.0 15.3
251-300 | Univ Ottawa | Canada |0.0 10.3 9.6 38.0 14.5
351-400 | Carleton Univ | Canada |0.0 10.3 6.4 23.6 10.1


我在CU时一年 14000
现在UM的一年 7000
Re: Re: Re: Re: Carleton U. 国际学生的好消息

最初由 泛蓝 发布

最初由 泛蓝 发布

201-250 | Tsing Hua Univ | China |0.0 0.0 10.6 54.0 10.4
201-250 | Univ Manitoba | Canada |0.0 22.9 5.3 33.0 15.3
251-300 | Univ Ottawa | Canada |0.0 10.3 9.6 38.0 14.5
351-400 | Carleton Univ | Canada |0.0 10.3 6.4 23.6 10.1


我在CU时一年 14000
现在UM的一年 7000

欢迎大家都来这个Discussion group
最初由 ???狗 发布

欢迎大家都来这个Discussion group
