Rafting, BBQ, Camping (漂流,烧烤,露营)

嘻嘻,大家不会骂我是水桶吧?!一下子发了三贴。:D :p
Hi, I am intereted in this. But does everyone pay for CAD85 plus tax? I am afraid that's a way too high...
最初由 小龙女 发布
想去马丁帐篷睡的... 赶快啪啪马丁的马屁哟,马丁要买帐篷啦!!!

:bounce: :bounce: :bla: :bla: :bla: :lookaroun :lookaroun

最初由 F1234 发布


request withdrawed.
not have to go.
Xiao Long Nu and Ya Tou don't have internet access at this moment. So I am posting this message for them.

For those who decide to go, can we meet at Ya Tou's place tomorrow night, so that we can collect the money before we make the reservation?
最初由 wei 发布
Xiao Long Nu and Ya Tou don't have internet access at this moment. So I am posting this message for them.

For those who decide to go, can we meet at Ya Tou's place tomorrow night, so that we can co...



News Update:

1. Dogs are not allowed for insurance purposes!
2. Price reduced to $79.80 / Person
3. Tent: $10/night. The best is 2ppl/Tent
4. You can bring your family or friends who doesn't want rafting but camping only. (but bring your own food)
5. Please go to Yatou's home to pay for it tonight!!!! By that point, I'll know you are going for sure!!! :)

Looking foward to see your guys tonight!!! :D :D :D
For more questions, please sent me a private messages!

:bounce: :bounce:
Here is the message I got from one of my friend who went Rafting last weekend... Here is his exprience :)

Oh, the rafting is great.
Before u go, u should prepare a full change of clothes, all of us were out of boat last sunday. Don't wear cotton sweatshirts, it is cold. Take waterproof containers for wallet or carkey. it is pity We didn't take pix since we don't have underwater camera. U'd better bring u contact or a rope for the glasses.
我们现有十五位报名漂流,我已经订了十五人的位。如果还有玩童有兴趣,请尽速与我联系, 我有可能还能补几个人!
漂流是$79.80/人,包税 (我几番讨价还价,才拿到这个价钱)。这个价格是包两个晚上的露营,一餐BBQ(午餐only),及4-6小时的漂流。我订了三个帐篷,$10+GST=$10.70/帐篷。 另外,大家可以自己带些水及食物,作为宵夜及早餐。

那里的早餐 $7+tax, 晚餐$15 + tax。有需要的请自付。


我们星期五(12号)晚上八点半在University of Ottawa 的 health center 门口集合,九点出发,约一小时的车程。 据我初步统计,我们有七人有车,所以没车的朋友不用担心 :) 我会在出发之前发地图给大家。

星期六早上八点半集和,九点离岸。 两点到四点回到岸边。 BBQ Lunch 有可能在中途停下吃,也有可能回出发点吃。



1. 自带枕头,被子 (Camping)
2. 自带泳衣,泳裤, 浴巾
3. 自带换洗衣裤
4. 自带防水相机
5. 喜欢喝酒的朋友,自己带酒。 不可以有玻璃瓶,可以带罐装啤酒


1. 洗手间 (Washroom)
2. 浴室
3. 桑拿房

如大家还有任何问题请随时与我联系 :)
Can I join tommrow? I know it is too late. my phone number is 291-1715. Thank you very much.