乖乖女想要学放纵, 不会有多少人不去把握这个机会的...
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈......... 照顾你, 现在你缺人照顾吗?! 唉, 没关系, 都是DEMAND和SUPPLY的关系, 现在是个垄断的市场, DEMAND很HIGH, SUPPLY是有计划的限制着的, 想标多高的价就标多高的价... 呵呵呵... 小心COMPETITION啊...
舒服了几天, 现在已不再胸闷了, 偶尔钻心的疼一下, 忍忍也就过去了... 你说我现在还小, 还看不清楚, 说爱情也不过是那么回事, 说你周围的人都这么说... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.... 越来越佩服我识人的功夫... 真没看走眼, 从几个月前的几句话中认识的你, 现在看来是越来越灵验
Anthony had the guts to get something that's called "closure"... that's why he blocked you. I envy him, 'coz he didn't invest as much, and therefore had little to loose. But me, on the other hand, is in way deep... starting to repeat myself...
I'll keep on giving. I'll be shameless... What can't kill me can only make me stronger. And I ain't afraid of nothing! So, brrrring it! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.........