I dont think so
最初由 苹果 发布
I think if you buy it off first, then it is equivalent to buy it back after the lease ended. The good part is that you can sell it at the current market price instead looking for people taking over the lease and you still end up the responsbility somewhat, the market price you can check on the BMW official website and autotreder.ca to find out how much a car like yours goes for. just matters of do the math work to find out the details.
but disadvantages are: you might want to check with your dealer if they charge any penalty for terminate the lease contract early, because technically speaking, even though you buy it off, you are still facing the consequencies of "breach the lease contract", so there "maybe" some limitation on that interms of financial lost.
also the problem is that, after you bought if off, you try to sell it again, of course you would want whoever the buyer to pay you in full payment in one shot, but your car worth like 40K ++ right now, "usually", I am saying "usually" case, people can't really come up with that much cash in one shot, so makes it harder for you to sell it.
so having said that, think about it, and talk to your dealer, see if they are willing to help you out in whatever the ways they are willing to, and hopefully these tips can help you out a bit, just some personal opinion here.
it's a really nice car! if i had the money i would buy it

anyway, help you DING !