关于9字开头的SIN card问题

最初由 Stitch 发布
如果真的是不同办事处不一样,那……还不赶紧去!:D去Linconfield的试试看,我是在那里办的,是用work permit续的。

今天我还给他们打电话,然后又亲自去了一趟――因为有事情,顺便――两次得到的答复都是肯定的,需要work permit/study permit/whatever you have,就可以了。

Faint, it is too late now. They close at 4:00pm.
Hope they won't change policy next week.
Do you have their number? I only have the 800 number.
What I have is the same number as you got. They open very early on the morning, so I think you can go there next Monday @8:30 just before they get any call in mentioned about the policy changing. :D
800 number is the general number, not for a specific office. If you got confirm from
this number that says only Study Permit is enough, then it should be the policy.
This is ridiculous.
1-800-206-7218 Is it the number you have?
最初由 dolphinn 发布
Stitch,你是用 study permit 续的SIN吗?怎么我今天去了HRDC, 他们说什么也不给办,说一定要由学校的 contract,
除了 study permit外,我还特意拿了系里的一封信,证明我是在校学生,并有TA&RA,上面也说明了我的Program 的
年数,但 HRDC 的人就是不认这封信,说信中必须注明到底是哪一年哪一月 program 截止。还给了我一张纸条,让我
The Study Permit or Student Authorization must be accompanied by a contract of employment from
the learning instituion, or from an independent employer providing services on campus (such as
Tim Hortons). This contact must contain the duration of employment; the end date cannot be beyond
the expire date contained on the study permit or the student authorization. The contract must:
- state the job offered and the fact that the student has accepted this offer;
- clearly indentify the company(e.g.: be on letterhead);
- indicate the start adn end DATES of the employment;
- contain the employer's name and telephone number;
- be signed by both the employer and the student.

Note: A letter containing this information also constitutes a contract and is therefore


你没看我上面的贴子吗?我去那个鬼地方快十次, 他要的东西极严格, 差一点都 不行,你要严格按照它上面写的东西开出一个证明来,
最重要的是,要有你的名字(print) 和你的签名.
good luck
最初由 Stitch 发布
是啊, 我到了最后一次去, 换了一个人,也没有要我那最后几近"完美"的证明, 看了两眼就行了, 气得我吐血.
最初由 Stitch 发布
如果真的是不同办事处不一样,那……还不赶紧去!:D去Linconfield的试试看,我是在那里办的,是用work permit续的。

今天我还给他们打电话,然后又亲自去了一趟――因为有事情,顺便――两次得到的答复都是肯定的,需要work permit/study permit/whatever you have,就可以了。

最初由 feng 发布


Lincoln field HRDC,就在Lincoln field Mall里面,CAA旁边。

早上8点半就开门了,早点去,人少 :D
最初由 eclichen 发布

是啊, 我到了最后一次去, 换了一个人,也没有要我那最后几近"完美"的证明, 看了两眼就行了, 气得我吐血.

:D 同情同情
最初由 斑毛 发布


还有,17号Carleton U.专门有一个给国际学生讲解报税的讲座(from ISA email):
Income Tax Workshop for International Students
When? Wednesday, March 17 (6 pm - 8 pm)
Where? 301 Azrieli Theatre
What? Join a representative from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for an Income Tax information session specifically for international students. Many students have dropped by the International Student Advisory with questions regarding this topic, so this is your opportunity to get them answered. Please note that it is important that you arrive promptly at 6 pm so as not to disrupt the presentation.