最初由 Martin 发布
哦,原来Public Service of Canada不是联邦政府啊!领教了...
最初由 James 发布
最初由 msft 发布
If NRC and IDRC are not "strictly" part of government, is military part of government? There was PR got job in military - not soldier of course, office job.
Don't try to paint a too miserable picture about job market in Canada, yes, it's miserable, but many PRs have their decent jobs choose not to speak out.
W.r.t the government job, citizenship and bilingualism are critical. But there are PRs from PRC got government jobs as recent as last year. If you think only ministers and deputy ministers are government jobs, sadly, you are right then.
最初由 James 发布
最初由 James 发布
最初由 msft 发布
I said NOT soldier. It is an office job in military.
That's the point I wanted to make. You finally got it. Not too bad. Unless you think that job is not a government job.
Also, would like to remind you the original topic: 做政府工要考试? I don't think "thinker" is interested in becoming a deputy minister, yet.
最初由 a_tony 发布
‘NRC is an agency of the Government of Canada’ (quoted from http://www.nrc-cnrc.
严格地说, NRC 是一个相对独立的政府机构, 和一般而言的政府部门不一样 -- 主要表现在劳资和约 (Collective Agreement) 的个别条款, 对雇员身份要求可能不一样。