The Chinese Are Coming, Says Poll


Here is one comment interest me:

In term of borderline, nobody has won the Korean war, both sides settled again at the 38 degree parallel in 1953, three years after communist North made a sudden, unprovoked, ‘preemptive’ invasion to the South by crossing the same borderline.

In term of casualties, it has been remained as a top state secret of China but rumors say Chinese had lost probably 10X lives to that of the coalition. Indeed that the Chinese sudden participation of Korean war caused the longest retreat in the U.S military history(the longest, that was a record) in that one month period, or that battle, but China did not win the Korean war.

Lightwave_guy, please try to not to use insulting words to others in a professional, objective debates. As you see that I told ‘nemo’ that what he said is baloney and Chinese could do a lot amazing things. I do not disagree with you on those things. But you got be careful that a lot of people here may know more on the real history than you do, the history you got may be a twist version from the communist textbook which often not telling you the truth.

For example, you keep claiming a 5000 year of history of China but I think that is exactly the ‘baggage’ China has. 5000 years of repeating a vicious cycles of that every 250-300 years or so a new dynasty destroys the previous one, then repeats another dynasty with no essential improvement on its systems, or even worse, the later dynasties were getting worse on corruptions, so the 5000 long years means nothing good to the wonderful Chinese people! You sound loving China much, I applaud you on that, but remember China is the land and teh people, not the society, you shall love your country, but not necessary that society, do not confuse the two concepts.
what a peice of crap,. It's the people who makes up the society and the people who makes up a country, without the people it would just be land, not a country.... the dude is retard or something