
It's a very complicated issue, this is a lesson for me and also it will be good for others as a reference.

I am not going to rent this apt, but I am going to go the the rental office and talk to the proporty manager. I will let them know what she did to me and remind them if they will help her to sublet this apt, be sure do not hurt another innocent people... I know i have no evidence for everything, but if she didn't deceive me i won't bother to come in to talk to them.

Sometimes i felt like the pure canadian are very fake and dishonest, be careful to deal with them.
最初由 tdbank 发布
It's a very complicated issue, this is a lesson for me and also it will be good for others as a reference.

I am not going to rent this apt, but I am going to go the the rental office and talk to the proporty manager. I will let them know what she did to me and remind them if they will help her to sublet this apt, be sure do not hurt another innocent people... I know i have no evidence for everything, but if she didn't deceive me i won't bother to come in to talk to them.

Sometimes i felt like the pure canadian are very fake and dishonest, be careful to deal with them.

:cool: :cool: :cool:
口上讲的东西基本都不算数. 她是着急房租不出去才放了一个月free的广告, 看见有人要了, 又开始做没有一个月free的广告, 还没找到人你们就想搬进去, 当然她不热情.

如果给好压金, 写上条就容易多了.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
口上讲的东西基本都不算数. 她是着急房租不出去才放了一个月free的广告, 看见有人要了, 又开始做没有一个月free的广告, 还没找到人你们就想搬进去, 当然她不热情.

如果给好压金, 写上条就容易多了.
如果你懂博奕?的?, 就??可盍?呃后果了
These kinds of people are everywhere. If you wouldn't let it go easily, you would never have peace life. Take it easy.
Hello. TDbank


From what I understand, there was no firm deal in the first place. You can't confirm the deal because you have to deal with your current apt first. I wouldn't be so mad at her if I were you. She only agreed to keep her update, what do you expect? Things can change anytime and there's always a risk there.

Anyway, hope you have got what you want and keep an open mind on things that's not turned out in your way.

1. 请先消气
2. 请把思路理清楚
3. 请把文字写清楚
4. 以后学会了, 一切以文字为准, 一切以下了定金为准.
5. 恭喜你, 长见识添经验了.
再给楼主一个本人自己的经验, 也是要sublet, 广告出去以后有一个洋家伙来看, 看过说好好好, 晚上再看完第二家就定. 到了晚上他看完第二家, 更喜欢我们的房子了, 又来看了一次, 再次说好好好, 我要了, 有车位吗? 有locker吗, 可以提前一两天吗? 总之认真迫切的不得了, 接着又说我明天出差, 两周以后回来, 给你定金和签租约, 好不好. 也合该我倒霉, 当时偏就计算机出了毛病, 预备好的合同打不出来, 只好同意两周以后签, 慌乱之中也忘了先要点定金或是手写个什么. 后果呢, 不用说你也猜出来啦, 两周以后他不要房子啦.