

在一个拥挤的路上,发现一个parking lot, 正准备parallel parking时, 没注意被一个阿拉伯人从后面抢占(我停在平行前一辆车的位置,打着右转灯,在观察行车)。结果他的车门被轻撞一下,略微有点划痕和凹陷。他同意私了,我准备下周跟他一块去一个他想去的bodyshop,给他修并赔钱。大家能给个意见吗,他会要求怎样修?换整个车门?或只是喷点漆修?各大概多少钱?唉,只能尽量减少损失呗! 多谢大家帮助!还是开车多注意吆。
视划痕和凹陷的程度吧, 一般是敲起来, 再喷漆, 无论如何如何不应该超过$600, 否则就有讹你的嫌疑.
我的车在wal-mart parking lot被别人倒车时撞了一下门,车门凹进去一点,对方是辆挺新的车,结果我的先生竟放那家伙走了,一分钱没要.看你是否碰上善主,good luck for you
要去他想去的bodyshop, 就不容易私了了. 他准挑挺好的去, 价格下不来, 最后还是闹到保险公司去. 最好还是挑你想去的. Booth街上有一家, 在圣安娜饼家再往北一点, 名字忘了, 用过. 这么小的活, 大概300块能搞定.
I do not think you need to pay him.

I do not think you need to pay him.
Based on what you have explained, I do not think you need to pay him even a penny.

Since you guys did not call the police, then let him do the estimation and if it is less than $1000 dollars, just let him report it to his insurance company and let him know you feel you have no fault and it is unfair to pay for it.

I believe the damage should be for sure less than $1000 dollars. The police will not take any report of that value.

You may call me at 5917717 (speaking to Ye) and I can explain details to you.
Re: I do not think you need to pay him.

最初由 lingyan 发布
I do not think you need to pay him.
Based on what you have explained, I do not think you need to pay him even a penny.

Since you guys did not call the police, then let him do the estimation and if it is less than $1000 dollars, just let him report it to his insurance company and let him know you feel you have no fault and it is unfair to pay for it.

I believe the damage should be for sure less than $1000 dollars. The police will not take any report of that value.

You may call me at 5917717 (speaking to Ye) and I can explain details to you.

not exactly.
if you had any bad record, which might lead to insurance increase.

The damage is lower than 1000, police will not file any report.
If you chose to report to insurance company, the victim must pay certain amount depends on his deduction limit. And you do not have to pay anything for now.
If your record was clean, then just report to insurance company, your insurance will not raise because of that. But drive carefully in the next couple of years.
Re: I do not think you need to pay him.

最初由 lingyan 发布
I do not think you need to pay him.
Based on what you have explained, I do not think you need to pay him even a penny.

Since you guys did not call the police, then let him do the estimation and if it is less than $1000 dollars, just let him report it to his insurance company and let him know you feel you have no fault and it is unfair to pay for it.

I believe the damage should be for sure less than $1000 dollars. The police will not take any report of that value.

You may call me at 5917717 (speaking to Ye) and I can explain details to you.


I do not understand why I am teaching sth bad. Hitting other's car does not mean it is your fault.

As described, the guy rushed into the parking while he is in parallel position and signalling. At least half falut.

You do not have to do anything and just let the guy report to his company. I do not see why it will affect your insurance premium.
2。在停车场地撞车,如果双方都没证人,又各不相让。保险公司之间协商的结果就是 half to half. 除非请律师上法庭。
5。Lingyan 的方法可以用来对付无赖,用在诚实的人之间显然有背良心。就本例而言,如果对方狮子大开口,可以警告他将不承认有责任而请保险公司“公断”。
6。楼上的大概不知道安省的保险有多黑。你可以 claim. 只要你不是 100% no fault. 假如你 claim 回来 $500,在随后的几年里,你最少要赔进去 $1000 - $2000。