
最初由 闲得慌 发布
It is a very interesting idea.

Let's take an example:
For the sake of simplicity, we take 穿过八度空间 (the name of poster) as A, he finds B to provide $1000. A will bet 10 times, each $100. To be fair, we suppose A will win 5 times and lose 5 times, in which we define "win" means double the money ($100 to $200), "lose" means lose all of the $100.

After A bets 10 times,
A win $100 * 5 * 30% = $150
A loses $100 * 5 * 20% = $100

So, the final net result:
A wins $50, B loses $50.

What a good deal!

yes,indeed. but how about u find someone that can provide the skill, i am willing to pay what i have just said. is that a deal? 50 dolloar is nothing. if u want to make big money.
最初由 toheys 发布
We assume 穿过八度空殓 is a skillful player and can break even in winning chance compared to Casino.

For 穿过八度空殓
Expected Gain per hand for 穿过八度空殓(assume $20 dollar one hand, 50% chance win)
= 20*(0.5*0.3-0.5*0.2) =$1

Using $400 Capital
Expected gain = 400/20 * $1 = $20
For Partner X
Expected Gain per hand for Partner X
= 20*(0.5*0.2-0.5*0.3) = -$1

Using $400 Capital
Expected gain = 400/20 * -$1 = -$20

Based on the optimistic assumption that you've 50% chance to win. Almost no game in Casino had this edge, unless you're an expert player. So it can be inferred that in Casino you'll certainly loss more than what suggested above, given that you're facing a 7% statistical disadvantage over the dealer under normal Casino rules.[8+ decks, no surrender, declaring busting earlier than the dealer] (For reference, the a professional gambler in Casino Blackjack table, he can at most maintain on average 51% to 52% to win, [1-2% edge over Casino]given that he used the high level advanced blackjack system)

So, in this simplified model,under the assumption that 穿过八度空殓 can use his outstanding skills to overcome the Dealers' advantage, we can show that 穿过八度空殓 would have expected gain $20 and Partner X would have expected gain -$20. 想赢钱的Potential Partner X不妨考?一下

*0.3 -- Share of profit
0.2 -- Share of loss

行了,我们不耍嘴皮子. 你所说的数据我承认,以你所说的高级系统,至少需要200个基玛,也就是说当true count大于3(it happens rarely)你所增加的注玛由1-15倍不等. 如果你能严格按照算牌技巧的话,所赢得的薪水应该是20-30块钱一小时,而且条件必须是严格的按照要求,例如,就算你-2000,数据显示你需要一次下注300,你也逼需要. 我不认为21点是赢钱的最好游戏,虽然是公认最公平的,但你必须把把都参与. 你可以说说任何一个21点系统,我都知道,其复杂性我也很清楚.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
应该是算最后的总输赢, 中间每把都提成不现实.

最初由 flyer2003 发布


你说错了,应该算最后的,如果硬了60,我实际上就赚了不到20. 赢钱是最硬的道理,永远比输钱好. 赌场上最厉害的就是生命力强的赌徒(能不死,不输光)
最初由 穿过八度空间 发布

行了,我们不耍嘴皮子. 你所说的数据我承认,以你所说的高级系统,至少需要200个基玛,也就是说当true count大于3(it happens rarely)你所增加的注玛由1-15倍不等. 如果你能严格按照算牌技巧的话,所赢得的薪水应该是20-30块钱一小时,而且条件必须是严格的按照要求,例如,就算你-2000,数据显示你需要一次下注300,你也逼需要. 我不认为21点是赢钱的最好游戏,虽然是公认最公平的,但你必须把把都参与. 你可以说说任何一个21点系统,我都知道,其复杂性我也很清楚.

那你本身的?本有多少, 除去你partner的四百?
那你可以上网去赌, 很多网上赌场会送$20-$100赌资, 要求累计bid掉送的赌资的200-300%之后才能cash out.
最初由 toheys 发布

那你本身的?本有多少, 除去你partner的四百?

我不赌black jack,百家乐得最基本码是20.我的能调用的闲钱赌本大概是60个基本码. 你赌博,你也知道的,赌本多不代表什么.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
那你可以上网去赌, 很多网上赌场会送$20-$100赌资, 要求累计bid掉送的赌资的200-300%之后才能cash out.

最初由 patrickpeng 发布

试问, 毛泽东是怎么成功的?



Do you play SIC-BO, How do you think this game?