Me and a girl from S#x Education
Got a room in Motel 6 for our presentation.
Hurried in the room for our love's consummation
Ended up, somehow, on the way to anal destruction.
Surprised, she denied me of further penetration.
Which led to a 50-sec light speed masturbation.
Reloaded ammunition with better protection,
Got her shivering with my oral persuasion.
Gained permission, into position,
Ready for my trip to the final destination.
No distraction, total concentration,
Even I was amazed at my own retention.
She cried tears of pain, to my irritation
She said s#x has got too much beautification.
As compensation, I gave her pure adulation.
She finally relaxed starts to enjoying the situation.
Zero accident rate for the duration,
I collapsed on her notes of laudation.
She climbed on top, happy with god’s creation.
Not really minding the futile attempts of a simple repetition.
In summation
With a little reiteration,
Given your undivided attention.
This, has been my first close encounter, in one hundred percent fiction.