最初由 Snail0369 发布
用 receipt 说话.
Dell 的配置列表上面有我的配置和价格
Kingston 1G Rambus Module 我特价时候买的
现在报价还是800+ USD
你两年前买的 1G Rambus Ti4600? 才2000?
那时候我没有升级内存 就是因为那时候Rambus 128*2 的就卖300+
如果你的1G 是 256*4 的 应该内存就占了你系统的1200+
两年前的 Ti4600 的价格也是 300+
CPU 300+
就这几样东西 税后就超过2000了
最初由 红袖添猪 发布
1G的Rambus (256*4)我在Algonquin的FIRST CLASS订货的,不知道为什么给我的价格很便宜,速度800的才500 (送货过程中还出错了,多给我一条,现在还有一条闲置~)
Ti 4600 微星的,500. 显示器没算(算了也便宜,当时一个17纯平才300)
最初由 Waffleman 发布
yes..all are suck ..1.8g cpu and 1g ram are little bit good~
Suck Video card.Suck cdrw.Suck Mothboard,and Suck hd
if you want to sell $1100 please exchange the cdrw to DVDRW, Video to Fx model, Motherboard have Northbidge and Southbridge plus120GB HD
haha..i think all over $1100
My PC just use $500 that i have
AMD 2200+
Gefroce FX5200 128ddr ram
Ecs K7st5a Motherboard
Althrough my pc doesn't very good, but it is cheap and good for all game=)
最初由 Waffleman 发布
yes..all are suck ..1.8g cpu and 1g ram are little bit good~
Suck Video card.Suck cdrw.Suck Mothboard,and Suck hd
if you want to sell $1100 please exchange the cdrw to DVDRW, Video to Fx model, Motherboard have Northbidge and Southbridge plus120GB HD
haha..i think all over $1100
My PC just use $500 that i have
AMD 2200+
Gefroce FX5200 128ddr ram
Ecs K7st5a Motherboard
Althrough my pc doesn't very good, but it is cheap and good for all game=)
最初由 为什么 发布