请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family


To: Canadian Government

The Canadian government has granted emergency passports to Maha Elsamnah Khadr and her 14-year-old son Karim. Members of this family have made statements in support of al-Qaeda. They should not have been allowed back into Canada, and I, as a Canadian citizen, do not feel safe knowing that we have fundamentalists living in our own backyard. My fear is that our government will set this woman up on welfare, as well as dole out free health care for her injured child. I don't want Canadian tax dollars going towards looking after this family. They should be stripped of their citizenship and sent on their way.

Canadians, as usual, are being passive and apathetic. Surely I am not alone in my outrage regarding this most horrific turn of events.

Please sign my petition to:

1) Stop the Candian government from setting this family up on welfare.

2) Stop the Khadr family from mooching off the Canadian Health Care system.

3) Have this family deported, permanently.


大家愿意的请到这里来签名. 谢谢.

我已经给我这里的MP写了信, 大家如果有时间也可以给各自选区的MP写信. 我们至少要尽力维护加拿大这里的良好生活环境. 要不然出门都提心吊胆的就不舒服了. 想想纽约和马得里的居民吧,他们会不会有心理阴影呢?

这是有关这个家庭的材料. 是他们接受CBC采访时的记录.

This is Canada. If every governments and persons have a heart like Canada, the world will be a much better place.
Where should they go? They are canadians, are they?
要求人家回哪儿去? 如果这里的人都是移民的话,建议大家想清楚了再说!


试问如果一个土生土长的加拿大白人, 你把人家向那里遣返?

事情很明白,如果Khadr Family 被遣返,只能说明加拿大的公民身份有两种:移民和本地人, 这可是实实在在


可怜竟有移民要去支持遣返Khadr Family, 想想应该是反对遣返才对!

最初由 Fishman 发布
要求人家回哪儿去? 如果这里的人都是移民的话,建议大家想清楚了再说!


试问如果一个土生土长的加拿大白人, 你把人家向那里遣返?

事情很明白,如果Khadr Family 被遣返,只能说明加拿大的公民身份有两种:移民和本地人, 这可是实实在在


可怜竟有移民要去支持遣返Khadr Family, 想想应该是反对遣返才对!


最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布

absolutely right!
最初由 Wanderer 发布

absolutely right!

They should live close to your house, since you are happy with them. :D :D
最初由 novice 发布

They should live close to your house, since you are happy with them. :D :D
You lost the point:o

The point is that Khadr家族 参与支持恐怖活动 bofore they became Canadian citizen. That is why they deserve to be 即时遣返.
最初由 mike9999 发布
To: Canadian Government

The Canadian government has granted emergency passports to Maha Elsamnah Khadr and her 14-year-old son Karim. Members of this family have made statements in support of al-Qaeda. They should not have been allowed back into Canada, and I, as a Canadian citizen, do not feel safe knowing that we have fundamentalists living in our own backyard. My fear is that our government will set this woman up on welfare, as well as dole out free health care for her injured child. I don't want Canadian tax dollars going towards looking after this family. They should be stripped of their citizenship and sent on their way.

Canadians, as usual, are being passive and apathetic. Surely I am not alone in my outrage regarding this most horrific turn of events.

Please sign my petition to:

1) Stop the Candian government from setting this family up on welfare.

2) Stop the Khadr family from mooching off the Canadian Health Care system.

3) Have this family deported, permanently.


大家愿意的请到这里来签名. 谢谢.

我已经给我这里的MP写了信, 大家如果有时间也可以给各自选区的MP写信. 我们至少要尽力维护加拿大这里的良好生活环境. 要不然出门都提心吊胆的就不舒服了. 想想纽约和马得里的居民吧,他们会不会有心理阴影呢?

这是有关这个家庭的材料. 是他们接受CBC采访时的记录.


I guess you are like an idiot as Bush. Why these people become or be sympathetic to terrorists? what's the definition of terrorists? Looks to me right now if anyone is against American, they are terriorists as the American called those Iraqi people attacking them in IRAQ as terriorists. To me who is stronger with more money and advanced weapons to kill people are not terrorists, but those who don't have the weapons but have to blow their life out are terrorists. Or those who don't follow the rule of war of the westerners are terrorist. You cann't just stand on the American side to ask the entire world to obey your values. I am not saying that their actions (the suicide bombing) are right, but consider if someone have no weapon and equipments to have a fair war against American and Israel in
the battle fields, and they don't want to bow to them either, what you can do. Is it right for Israel to take the Palestine area and don't allow Palestiners to even go back to their home just because Jews have tones of money and advanced weapons? So you can call people to blow themselves out terrorists, but not those who use helicopter to kill people using missle? It's the same situation when the Japanese invaded China, could you call those Chinese guerrila terrorists? Or as well call them, the heroes.

I don't feel strange that American are fooled by this adminstration as some of them never see the rest of world and always think they are superior than others and their behaviors are justified all the time. They don't realize that the root causes of these terrorists actions are partially due to their own behaviors. This world needs people understand each other, not just fight each other and I feel that Bush and Sharon are doing the opposite and it will only cause more people become terrorists if not less.



Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

你说的有一定道理, 但是这是个历史问题, 不是很快能解决的. 但是对于伤害普通老百姓的行为是不应该的到支持的. 制造炸弹伤害普通老百姓的行为就是恐怖行为. 如果对美国或以斯列的军事行动不满, 你可以拿起武器和他们的军队打呀. 到别人国内的餐馆里放炸弹, 用飞机撞别人的大楼就不应该了吧. 死去的人中不一定都是支持美国或以斯列的. 如果当天你我都在世贸大厦的话, 我们说不定也会死的. 他们会因为你同情他们就改变计划不撞吗?

如果不制止这种对无辜百姓的伤害, 那你觉得生活会有安全感吗?

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

I guess you are like an idiot as Bush. Why these people become or be sympathetic to terrorists? what's the definition of terrorists? Looks to me right now if anyone is against American, they are terriorists as the American called those Iraqi people attacking them in IRAQ as terriorists. To me who is stronger with more money and advanced weapons to kill people are not terrorists, but those who don't have the weapons but have to blow their life out are terrorists. Or those who don't follow the rule of war of the westerners are terrorist. You cann't just stand on the American side to ask the entire world to obey your values. I am not saying that their actions (the suicide bombing) are right, but consider if someone have no weapon and equipments to have a fair war against American and Israel in
the battle fields, and they don't want to bow to them either, what you can do. Is it right for Israel to take the Palestine area and don't allow Palestiners to even go back to their home just because Jews have tones of money and advanced weapons? So you can call people to blow themselves out terrorists, but not those who use helicopter to kill people using missle? It's the same situation when the Japanese invaded China, could you call those Chinese guerrila terrorists? Or as well call them, the heroes.

I don't feel strange that American are fooled by this adminstration as some of them never see the rest of world and always think they are superior than others and their behaviors are justified all the time. They don't realize that the root causes of these terrorists actions are partially due to their own behaviors. This world needs people understand each other, not just fight each other and I feel that Bush and Sharon are doing the opposite and it will only cause more people become terrorists if not less.