请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

我支持Fishman和lifeisfun 的观点。

首先,第一代公民(新移民)是否二等公民?这个问题,前一阵子有一个Alliance的议员提了出来。他认为,第一代公民,如果犯了重罪,就应该被遣返。What a bull shit? 一个平等的社会,竟然有人想人为的把人分成几等,这分明是歧视。就是这个Alliance,在Alberta有一个竞选议员的candidate,竟然说Asian太多了,要把加拿大淹没了,应该立法限制亚洲移民。这同样说明她脑子里根深蒂固的歧视。此人拒不道歉,退出竞选了事。这也是我决不支持Alliance的主要原因。
我们来到加拿大,一个很重要的因素,就是我们相信这是一个(相对)平等和自由的社会。对於任何不平等或倡导不平等的行为,我们都应挺身而出。这是为了我们自身的利益。 今天Khadr被遣返,明天你我就可能为了不同的信念/意见/甚至一些小问题被遣返。

其次,什么是“terrorism"? 911后,布什告诉全世界:”Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."(-Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html ) 这分明是强盗逻辑! 我不支持TERRORISTS,但我也坚决反对美国对主权国家主权的践踏! 打着反恐的幌子,他想打谁就打谁-只要贴上了terrorist的标签! 现在连台湾的陈SB都说大陆的500枚导弹对着台湾,是恐怖主义行为。。。开个玩笑,如果你的计算机中了木马病毒,他自动攻击美国的某个服务器,美国人是否会给你贴个terrorist的标签?


再次声明,我不支持terrorism, 也反对国家恐怖主义!
1. 作为第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍,是他们自己的选择。作为非第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍没有有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍是与生俱来的。

2. 曾经的著名百米运动员约翰逊,是来自牙买加得第一代移民,当年嗑药事件被揭露后,加拿大公众没有剥夺他国籍的呼声。Khadr家族是因为参与支持恐怖活动。

3. 这个Khadr家族,父亲是拉登密友,在和巴基斯坦保安部队的激战中被打死。一个儿子,也就是这次回来的儿子,在同次战斗中被打残。一个儿子,被美军在阿富汗抓获,现在被作为恐怖分子被美军扣押。一个儿子,现在多伦多,承认他的几个兄弟在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班。母亲,也就是这次回来的母亲,曾在接受CBS采访时(她丈夫已被巴基斯坦保安部队打死),公开表示支持基地组织,认为自己的儿子在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班也比在加拿大这个堕落的社会强。

我现在的疑问是,Khadr家族的父亲和母亲,是第一代移民,他的几个儿子是不是第一代移民? 我没有查到,哪位有进一步的资料?
最初由 Lynn2003 发布
我支持Fishman和lifeisfun 的观点。

首先,第一代公民(新移民)是否二等公民?这个问题,前一阵子有一个Alliance的议员提了出来。他认为,第一代公民,如果犯了重罪,就应该被遣返。What a bull shit? 一个平等的社会,竟然有人想人为的把人分成几等,这分明是歧视。就是这个Alliance,在Alberta有一个竞选议员的candidate,竟然说Asian太多了,要把加拿大淹没了,应该立法限制亚洲移民。这同样说明她脑子里根深蒂固的歧视。此人拒不道歉,退出竞选了事。这也是我决不支持Alliance的主要原因。
我们来到加拿大,一个很重要的因素,就是我们相信这是一个(相对)平等和自由的社会。对於任何不平等或倡导不平等的行为,我们都应挺身而出。这是为了我们自身的利益。 今天Khadr被遣返,明天你我就可能为了不同的信念/意见/甚至一些小问题被遣返。

其次,什么是“terrorism"? 911后,布什告诉全世界:”Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."(-Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920-8.html ) 这分明是强盗逻辑! 我不支持TERRORISTS,但我也坚决反对美国对主权国家主权的践踏! 打着反恐的幌子,他想打谁就打谁-只要贴上了terrorist的标签! 现在连台湾的陈SB都说大陆的500枚导弹对着台湾,是恐怖主义行为。。。开个玩笑,如果你的计算机中了木马病毒,他自动攻击美国的某个服务器,美国人是否会给你贴个terrorist的标签?


再次声明,我不支持terrorism, 也反对国家恐怖主义!

Calm down, Lynn.

1) There is no absolute 自由. Choosing to be a citizen means you agree with and respect the value of this country. This country is not UN, it's not based on whatever thing members bring in. It is not a place where you can practice whatever you like as long as you label it "freedom".

2) This has nothing to do with Bush. It's Canada.

There will be a reasonable solution to this incident. Whatever it will be. Remember, democracy is something represents the majority's will. If most Canadians think they should stay and be treated well, they will be, no matter what they did in the past. Vice versa.
Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

The person before said how can they finght if they don't have equivalent weapons? Do you want to finght with me if I am holding a gun and you have nothing?

最初由 mike9999 发布
你说的有一定道理, 但是这是个历史问题, 不是很快能解决的. 但是对于伤害普通老百姓的行为是不应该的到支持的. 制造炸弹伤害普通老百姓的行为就是恐怖行为. 如果对美国或以斯列的军事行动不满, 你可以拿起武器和他们的军队打呀. 到别人国内的餐馆里放炸弹, 用飞机撞别人的大楼就不应该了吧. 死去的人中不一定都是支持美国或以斯列的. 如果当天你我都在世贸大厦的话, 我们说不定也会死的. 他们会因为你同情他们就改变计划不撞吗?

如果不制止这种对无辜百姓的伤害, 那你觉得生活会有安全感吗?

Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 dingdong 发布
The person before said how can they finght if they don't have equivalent weapons? Do you want to finght with me if I am holding a gun and you have nothing?

即使打不过对手,也不能袭击对方的老婆孩子吧? 如果强大的一方也袭击对方的老婆孩子,结果会怎么样? 我过去说过,阿拉伯恐怖分子心里很清楚,对方比自己文明,也就是对方不会用相同甚至更残酷的方法报复,所以他们才敢袭击对方的平民,这就有点糟蹋文明的味道了。当年苏联的以牙还牙,很有效。

Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 mike9999 发布
你说的有一定道理, 但是这是个历史问题, 不是很快能解决的. 但是对于伤害普通老百姓的行为是不应该的到支持的. 制造炸弹伤害普通老百姓的行为就是恐怖行为. 如果对美国或以斯列的军事行动不满, 你可以拿起武器和他们的军队打呀. 到别人国内的餐馆里放炸弹, 用飞机撞别人的大楼就不应该了吧. 死去的人中不一定都是支持美国或以斯列的. 如果当天你我都在世贸大厦的话, 我们说不定也会死的. 他们会因为你同情他们就改变计划不撞吗?

如果不制止这种对无辜百姓的伤害, 那你觉得生活会有安全感吗?

I agree with you that killing the innocent people is not right. But like I said, don't you think that those people have the weapon and army to fight American on the battle field. Arabian lost all the 6 middle east wars agianst Israel and Isreal can kill any Palestine in Gasa Strip and west bank using missle from helopcoter. Also look at what happens in Iraq, you will know the answer, American amry is the one, like Lao Mao said, equipped to the teeth. They have the advnaced weapon to kill you even before you can see them.

So if to be fair, let American and Arabian fight with bare hand. Then I don't think they will use terrior attack.

One the other hand, the education recived by the Arabian from childhood, is the all American and westerners are evils no matter they are in uniform or not. They don't think those innocnet people are innocents, they think they are part of that evil world. It's like
China educated its people in 60 and 70's. So you can see that value concept in Muslim world and western world are so different and you can not just use force to fight back and forth. It's like two kids
fighting on the street without figuring out who is right.

So the solution which can last is to understand each other and compromise the difference. Then if there is still terror attack, they will be more isolated. Now what Bush is doing will only trigger more
anger and hatred and generate more and more Bin Laden and terriorists.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 visitor 发布

即使打不过对手,也不能袭击对方的老婆孩子吧? 如果强大的一方也袭击对方的老婆孩子,结果会怎么样? 我过去说过,阿拉伯恐怖分子心里很清楚,对方比自己文明,也就是对方不会用相同甚至更残酷的方法报复,所以他们才敢袭击对方的平民,这就有点糟蹋文明的味道了。当年苏联的以牙还牙,很有效。


Wrong to say that American and Isreal don't attack the spouse and the family. Isreal kills more Palesitne kids and women than Palestine kill theirs. They should know the consequnece to launch a missle to a street full of people. The difference is it's Isreal army that kill people, and you don't call it's terriorism. Don't you think it's fair to say if you are a soldier, then you can kill civilian people. Why the world try to trial those war criminals in former Yogoslavia, just because they kill minorities, but they don't even dare to trial Isreal army generals, who also kill lots of Palentine civilian. It's because US is behind them, and it will veto all the resolutions against Isreal in UN.
Majority rule is part of democracy, not the whole democracy. There principals serve as the fundation of democracy, among them, are so called "unalienable Rights", such as freedom of speech, freedom of political opinion and so on.

If the family has violated Canadian law, they should be prosecuted accordingly. If they violated international law or laws of other country, then there are treaties to be followed.

How about for the people who support the deportation to show what laws the family violated and what authority Canada has to prosecute accordingly? I am fine if the family get what they deserve under the law, through due process. I am, however, sicken of people trying to occupy higher moral ground, labeling people around, at meantime hiding their true agenda and over-look horrible results of their own actions....

最初由 msft 发布

Calm down, Lynn.

1) There is no absolute 自由. Choosing to be a citizen means you agree with and respect the value of this country. This country is not UN, it's not based on whatever thing members bring in. It is not a place where you can practice whatever you like as long as you label it "freedom".

2) This has nothing to do with Bush. It's Canada.

There will be a reasonable solution to this incident. Whatever it will be. Remember, democracy is something represents the majority's will. If most Canadians think they should stay and be treated well, they will be, no matter what they did in the past. Vice versa.
最初由 msft 发布

Calm down, Lynn.

1) There is no absolute 自由. Choosing to be a citizen means you agree with and respect the value of this country. This country is not UN, it's not based on whatever thing members bring in. It is not a place where you can practice whatever you like as long as you label it "freedom".

2) This has nothing to do with Bush. It's Canada.

There will be a reasonable solution to this incident. Whatever it will be. Remember, democracy is something represents the majority's will. If most Canadians think they should stay and be treated well, they will be, no matter what they did in the past. Vice versa.

Democracy is one thing, the basic human right is another. Don't you think if voting, Canada could allow gay marriage. No way as most people will be against this. But according the human right charter of Canada, everyone has the same right, no matter you are rich or poor.
If Canadian believe it's the basic right everyone is entitled, then you can not just use vote to decide everything.

As for this family, just because of their opinions is not enough to
deport them, you have to find a proof to charge them. And I belivee that we have to understand why there are so many young people willing to die to Bin Laden, that's the root cause of everything. You shouldn't simply kill people to solve the difference. Both side shouldn't do that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 visitor 发布

即使打不过对手,也不能袭击对方的老婆孩子吧? 如果强大的一方也袭击对方的老婆孩子,结果会怎么样? 我过去说过,阿拉伯恐怖分子心里很清楚,对方比自己文明,也就是对方不会用相同甚至更残酷的方法报复,所以他们才敢袭击对方的平民,这就有点糟蹋文明的味道了。当年苏联的以牙还牙,很有效。


最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Wrong to say that American and Isreal don't attack the spouse and the family. Isreal kills more Palesitne kids and women than Palestine kill theirs. They should know the consequnece to launch a missle to a street full of people. The difference is it's Isreal army that kill people, and you don't call it's terriorism. Don't you think it's fair to say if you are a soldier, then you can kill civilian people. Why the world try to trial those war criminals in former Yogoslavia, just because they kill minorities, but they don't even dare to trial Isreal army generals, who also kill lots of Palentine civilian. It's because US is behind them, and it will veto all the resolutions against Isreal in UN.



1. 作为第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍,是他们自己的选择。作为非第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍没有有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍是与生俱来的。

2. 曾经的著名百米运动员约翰逊,是来自牙买加得第一代移民,当年嗑药事件被揭露后,加拿大公众没有剥夺他国籍的呼声。Khadr家族是因为参与支持恐怖活动。

3. 这个Khadr家族,父亲是拉登密友,在和巴基斯坦保安部队的激战中被打死。一个儿子,也就是这次回来的儿子,在同次战斗中被打残。一个儿子,被美军在阿富汗抓获,现在被作为恐怖分子被美军扣押。一个儿子,现在多伦多,承认他的几个兄弟在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班。母亲,也就是这次回来的母亲,曾在接受CBS采访时(她丈夫已被巴基斯坦保安部队打死),公开表示支持基地组织,认为自己的儿子在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班也比在加拿大这个堕落的社会强。

我现在的疑问是,Khadr家族的父亲和母亲,是第一代移民,他的几个儿子是不是第一代移民? 我没有查到,哪位有进一步的资料?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

If you are not answering my questions, please don't reply.

最初由 visitor 发布

即使打不过对手,也不能袭击对方的老婆孩子吧? 如果强大的一方也袭击对方的老婆孩子,结果会怎么样? 我过去说过,阿拉伯恐怖分子心里很清楚,对方比自己文明,也就是对方不会用相同甚至更残酷的方法报复,所以他们才敢袭击对方的平民,这就有点糟蹋文明的味道了。当年苏联的以牙还牙,很有效。

强烈支持Lynn2003,Fishman,lifeisfun 及诸位女士先生的意见。





Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 visitor 发布



1. 作为第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍,是他们自己的选择。作为非第一代移民的加拿大公民,自己对国籍没有有选择权,也就是说,他们的加拿大国籍是与生俱来的。

2. 曾经的著名百米运动员约翰逊,是来自牙买加得第一代移民,当年嗑药事件被揭露后,加拿大公众没有剥夺他国籍的呼声。Khadr家族是因为参与支持恐怖活动。

3. 这个Khadr家族,父亲是拉登密友,在和巴基斯坦保安部队的激战中被打死。一个儿子,也就是这次回来的儿子,在同次战斗中被打残。一个儿子,被美军在阿富汗抓获,现在被作为恐怖分子被美军扣押。一个儿子,现在多伦多,承认他的几个兄弟在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班。母亲,也就是这次回来的母亲,曾在接受CBS采访时(她丈夫已被巴基斯坦保安部队打死),公开表示支持基地组织,认为自己的儿子在阿富汗参加恐怖分子训练班也比在加拿大这个堕落的社会强。

我现在的疑问是,Khadr家族的父亲和母亲,是第一代移民,他的几个儿子是不是第一代移民? 我没有查到,哪位有进一步的资料?

But Isreal has everything they need, the land, the holy city, the tank, the support of Sam uncle.

It's such simple reasoning, if we change the position of Isreal and Palestine, what do you think Isreal will do, just being refuges in refuge camp (will never be able to go to your own home) for all your life? Remember everyine play with a rule which will benefit themselves. Isreal and America have the power they need, and therefore, they requre everyone else to fight a war according to a rule they make. While Pale
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 请大家去投票:要求遣返拉登的战友 Deport the Khadr Family

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

But Isreal has everything they need, the land, the holy city, the tank, the support of Sam uncle.

It's such simple reasoning, if we change the position of Isreal and Palestine, what do you think Isreal will do, just being refuges in refuge camp (will never be able to go to your own home) for all your life? Remember everyine play with a rule which will benefit themselves. Isreal and America have the power they need, and therefore, they requre everyone else to fight a war according to a rule they make. While Pale

