How to answer this killer question in a interview?

Whichever interviewer asked this question must not have been tested or interviewed him- or herself. Will an answer to this Q be meaningful???

最初由 zhutiger 发布
Could you talk about your weakness and strength?

This question is the hardest during the interview.

Thanks a lot!
Re: Re: How to answer this killer question in a interview?

最初由 onebuck 发布
Whichever interviewer asked this question must not have been tested or interviewed him- or herself. Will an answer to this Q be meaningful???

This kind of questions are always asked by companies like Nortel, Ericsson....
最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
Very easy, depends on the position you are interviewed:

for example, if it is a designer position, say your weakness is
(1) Less knowledge of the overall product architect, or the priority of the features from customer perspective
(2) Too concern on the performance of the code, always thinking to optimize the codes, ...
(3) Push self too much to complete taskes far in advance milestones (2 weeks or one month)

If it is a leader position,
(1) sometimes compromise to project management to stay with old architect instead of introducing a new one (implication: minimize the risk, time-to-market)
(2) a little upset/frustrated if others make similar mistakens again and again though already helped correct them before

If it is a manager position,
(1) Sometimes expect team members too much for own experience/skills, need to make plan and help their career development based on individual strengths and skill sets


pick one of these, or you can come up similar answers (somethings don't hurt you at all)

tons of strengths for a specific position, if you don't know, don't go for the interview cause you are not going to make it (if you don't know how to focus on the key points and influence the interviewer).

Your answer is quite reasonable.
If it is for a intergrator(tester) or Customer supporter job, Can I say I am
not good at innovation?
I am good at analysis. I am customer oriented and result oriented person.
Thanks a lot!