I would not vote for Paul Martin and Liberal Party this time, for sure. Not for his meeting with Dalai, but his policies."和BUSH的作风向近. 维护主流白人社会的利益, 强调美加关系. 同前任的杜鲁道,克里靖这些法语背景出身的人不同.他的上任对加拿大的多元文化没多大好处. "
Besides, Canada needs a change now because Liberal has been in power so long, and it is CORRUPTED now.
He used to be my hero when he placed Canadian financial mess in order. But from the way he was treating Shella Copp, 马丁 is not a great man, nor a good leader. Unless I see big change of his policy I will not vote for the Grits this time.