最初由 zzxx 发布
I remember that there is a public survey result listing the most dishonest person in terms of career:
the number one is car salesperson, the next is politics and so on.
Car salesperson can not be trusted. It is common sense. However, there are exceptions, I had a chance to
know a man who has been selling cars in his whole life, yet he happens to be the most trustworthy person
I've ever known in my life.
前两天朋友要看车,陪他先去了NISSAN的DEALER,那个SALESMAN一直在和我们讲的并不是车的性能,而是再说他们的车行多大多大,每天卖多少车.后来去了一个FORD的DEALER,那个SALESMAN一直在和我们讲车的性能,和问题. 我还是觉得虽然说这些汽车推销员确实是很难信任他们,但是想比较起来,美国车的DEALER还是比较诚实的,并且和他们讨价还价,不行那就是不行,行就是行,从来不会想日本车的DEALER那样打马虎眼.最初由 greensleeve 发布
agree with you. I went to lots of GM dealer, all of them are professional
最初由 lucky_girl 发布
TRY www.auto123.com to get MRSP for 2004.
TRY www.carcost.com to get dealer cost behind of MRSP.
MRSP = dealer cost + dealer profit.