[问题]~~~~~ 关于VISA的续签,急~~~~~

对不起,我还以为Study Permit哪,如果不回国就不要去管Entry Visa,如果想签多次只有上学一条路了。
作者: BJ212

You may seek restoration within 90 days after your status as a student has been lost(Expired).You may wish to complete an application to apply for restoration of temporary resident status and for a new study permit. If you apply for a study permit, you must pay the permit fee as well as the restoration fee when applying.

偶的sutdy permit也过期了,请问怎么apply for restoration of temporary resident status 需要填什么特殊的表格吗?还有有人提到的200元罚款是偶主动寄过去,还是他们会写信来叫偶交罚款?