精华 Election 2004 poll


  • 加拿大好

    选票: 0 0.0%
  • 国内好

    选票: 0 0.0%

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最初由 aruba 发布
我?移民?加又不 是膣民 ╋?什?呃?多人在啉佩 ?考?政??少?族裔 的照?。我?要 照 ? ??
侦 降低 INCOME TAX 我就啉侦。在社?政策方面 ╋ 侦反?同性婚姻 ╋我就啉侦。

Agree. Now it seems to me a lot of immigrants coming here wants special care. Then what's the pont coming here, coming here to enjoy the benefit of socialism which does'n exist in China anymore? Come on, wake up and try your best to live a better life.
最初由 渐渐 发布
The Green Party supports legalization of marijuana and will use the revenue from marijuana on addiction prevention and treatment clinic, how ironic!

They also support increase in gas tax, read this:

"The Green Party will:

Increase fuel taxes by ten cents (to be phased in over three years).
Phase in a $10 per ton coal consumption tax. This will decrease the use of coal for power generation, in favor of cleaner alternatives. It will also raise about $600 million per year in revenue.
Introduce tax incentives to help homeowners reduce home heating and electricity bills.
Create an efficiency program for landlords, to ensure that tenants do not have to carry the cost of inefficient housing."

I am not saying Greens will get elected on the current platform. I just can not reward the liars, endorse the monsters or embrace the weasel-fairies this time. I am just "parking" my vote so that the little guy can have some money to do the research and come up something that truely makes sense next time around (i.e. more electable) like the green party in Europe.
There are more than 4000 hits and 200 poll responsws on top of soooo many excellent arguments and counter-arguments. I really hope this will translate into a good turnout for us (chinese) in monday election.

Does not matter whom you vote, on Monday, GET ALL OF YOUR (BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY) LAZY ASSES THERE AND VOTE :)
最初由 阿童木 发布

I really hope this will translate into a good turnout for us (chinese) in monday election.

Does not matter whom you vote, on Monday, GET ALL OF YOUR (BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY) LAZY ASSES THERE AND VOTE :)

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
最初由 Rigel 发布



最初由 Rigel 发布
尤其是现在这个对于加拿大来讲,最困难的经济时期。国家需要的是真正的tax relief,让更多的事物进入市场运作。这样才能激活整个经济。
