Stephen Harper is a very evil man(ZT)

Re: Re: Re: 反堕胎真的有那么大问题吗?

I know this is an emotional issue. Again I think the question centers around the definition of human being. I can see arguments from both sides. However personally I think a woman's right should preceed a fetus' right, but that's only my opinion.

Whether she's carrying a baby or not, a woman should have the right to control her own body, that's all.

最初由 aruba 发布
What do you mean by "has the right to her own body"? If she carries a baby and the baby is almost due, can she do whatever she wants? the answer is no because she carries another person. She has no right to do things that harm the person she is carring. Right? unless you think a 5-month old baby in her mother's body is not a human.
