
最初由 firestone 发布
有人问一位得道高僧:什么是禅?高僧答:饿来就吃,渴来就喝,困来就睡。此人又问:那一般人不就这么活的吗?高僧答:一般人做这些事情的时候心有杂念,并不能做到平常心。 不光禅宗崇尚宁神静虑,儒家和道家也都如此。 儒家的诸葛亮说:夫君子之行静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。如果从做人的角度理解,这句话说的是儒家中庸的哲学,不激进,不张扬,简朴,低调,宁静,但又志向远大。
最初由 ZHB55 发布

鸡肋, 比喻的好呀!


1. 我们怎么知道你家的情况。
2. 你自己的生活,是非得失和我们没有任何关系。

我只能从我的角度回答:“你应该回去,最好把你的工作推荐给我。” :D :D



“国内学Double E的,待业大有人在。老公在国内很难找到同等待遇的工作。”

“已经入籍, 回国可能不是很方便....”
Re: Re: 回国还是不回

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

It all depends on your personal preference and ability. If you would like to face challenge and be a business woman and you feel yourself has such ability, you could choose to go back. But if you feel calm life, don't like the life in business (especially in China where you have to go out to meet people for the purpose of doing business), also you would like to spend more time with your own family, your kids. Then maybe here is a better place. I saw some friends rather stay here to spend more time with the kids and family, than going back for some development. As we always heard that nowadays many of our friends in China succeed and have lots of money. But they also paid the price of spending little time with their family, living a busy life. As for the kids, it's very harsh for them in China, competion after competion, they will suffer a lot even they may do pretty well in China.

So calm down, and ask yourself a question: Do you really care about the feeling of success? Or you care more about peaceful, calm family life? I saw many Canadian living a simple life, but they are happy.
So which kind of life will make you and your family happy. Then go for it.

最初由 木子美 发布

“国内学Double E的,待业大有人在。老公在国内很难找到同等待遇的工作。”
“已经入籍, 回国可能不是很方便....”
--也没有什么,只是要签证,付钱。 好象国内长期有生意的可以申请绿卡。
最初由 test 发布
look at your name 木子美 . You definitely should go back to China. You can make future there.

是呀,为什么叫“木子美”呢:confused: :confused: :confused:
最初由 dark chocolate 发布

是呀,为什么叫“木子美”呢:confused: :confused: :confused:

It is just a virtual name. Do not take it seriously.

Why do you take the name "dark chocolate"?

Just for fun. Not a big deal.