I did make some money from NT in January. I have not had NT since then
and will not have NT this year.
What I disagree with you is NT admitted
already they did accounting not
correctly. You are posting that it
is possible nothing will happen to NT.
It is hard to understand the purposes
of your postings. If someone is selling
around for a stock, most people know
what this means.
I posted enough for this topic and will
let other people comment on it.
use clean words for this forum and show
some respects for this forum. Any ugly
words do not make you smarter.
最初由 土鳖虫 发布
Let's see your funny comments as below, I just changed a few words of it:
It seems that you made some nice efforts
to bash this stock. Why do not you
tell the people here how much you lost
from NT and write down your future
real-time trading of NT here? That will
make NT much more disattractive. That will
be your bash while NT
is so bad for you. Do not show only some of your "ideas".
Isn't it your weeping?