他该死吗?I think Yes http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/

最初由 chinadian 发布

totally agree. Americans are 恐怖主义. They kill little children who have no weapons. They rape inmates. They kill inmates. They are 恐怖主义. I agree with you. We all must fight againt 恐怖主义. Wish them all die.

Bush once said: If you support 恐怖主义 then you are 恐怖主义. So anyone support 恐怖主义 American are 恐怖主义 so should die regardless.

Tell me, how are you any better than some of the evil American??? YOU have the exact same mentality as them.
That's Ironic!!!

楼主is a total Idiot. You can't reason and listen. You heart is closed and filled with hatred.

Remember, America is a country not a person. It composed of LOTS of people. Good and Bad. White and Yellow. And Chinese.

I think you are exactly like Bush - Same mentality.
最初由 soldier 发布

跟 Bush 有的比。
最初由 chinadian 发布

totally agree. Americans are 恐怖主义. They kill little children who have no weapons. They rape inmates. They kill inmates. They are 恐怖主义. I agree with you. We all must fight againt 恐怖主义. Wish them all die.

Bush once said: If you support 恐怖主义 then you are 恐怖主义. So anyone support 恐怖主义 American are 恐怖主义 so should die regardless.

I don't think all Americans are 恐怖主义. Bush and his regime are 恐怖主义. I have Americnan friends, they are peaceful and against Bush regime.
Killing civilian who works for military is evil, but nothing is more evil than killing thousands of Iraqies and sending hundreds of young Americans to death because of oil.
最初由 mooncake 发布

I don't think all Americans are 恐怖主义. Bush and his regime are 恐怖主义. I have Americnan friends, they are peaceful and against Bush regime.
Killing civilian who works for military is evil, but nothing is more evil than killing thousands of Iraqies and sending hundreds of young Americans to death because of oil.

i agree with you. remember saddam's two son's bodies were shown on TV? americans don't even allow anyone in the world to show dead americans on TV, but they show emermy's body. it is called evil.

i don't agree with you that working for evil is fine. why Bush says: anyone harbors Osama Bin Landin will be killed too? if Osama pays you, will you work for him, if you know your work will help him killing thousands? the korean guy knows his work is killing others and he still goes to work, he should die first. haha. nice feeling, looking at his family's face. there will be more dead when they send more troops there to steal from iragis. haha. 八国联军进北京,烧杀奸掠。100 年前该死,现在也该死。

let's celebrate.
用残忍的手法去杀害哪些手无寸铁的无辜者, 他们本身就是懦夫! 他们都是全副武装, 高喊着圣战的口号, 如此痛恨英美。。那他们为什么不去绑架哪些全副武装的美国大兵呢?? 利用弱智儿童作为人肉炸弹, 去袭击平民, 这是圣战?

这就是人性中最最卑劣的行为。 如果真象他们如此豪情意坚的话, 有杀害手无寸铁的无辜的人的时间和嚣张气焰, 为什么不去和美国鬼子(或韩国鬼子)拼个你死我活呢。。捐躯于疆场呢? 一句话>>>这些人TMD呶种。。。哪些被他们杀害的手无寸铁的人根本是无任何意义的(没有一个政府会向一个组织屈服的,也不会因个人而放弃国家利益)。所以被害的人是完全值得同情的。


而哪些手无寸铁的人们才是真正的受害者, 他们没有一个是deserve it
最初由 chinadian 发布

i agree with you. remember saddam's two son's bodies were shown on TV? americans don't even allow anyone in the world to show dead americans on TV, but they show emermy's body. it is called evil.

i don't agree with you that working for evil is fine. why Bush says: anyone harbors Osama Bin Landin will be killed too? if Osama pays you, will you work for him, if you know your work will help him killing thousands? the korean guy knows his work is killing others and he still goes to work, he should die first. haha. nice feeling, looking at his family's face. there will be more dead when they send more troops there to steal from iragis. haha. 八国联军进北京,烧杀奸掠。100 年前该死,现在也该死。

let's celebrate.

I believe u are a very sick person. and u are a coward too
最初由 kool 发布
用残忍的手法去杀害哪些手无寸铁的无辜者, 他们本身就是懦夫! 他们都是全副武装, 高喊着圣战的口号, 如此痛恨英美。。那他们为什么不去绑架哪些全副武装的美国大兵呢?? 利用弱智儿童作为人肉炸弹, 去袭击平民, 这是圣战?

这就是人性中最最卑劣的行为。 如果真象他们如此豪情意坚的话, 有杀害手无寸铁的无辜的人的时间和嚣张气焰, 为什么不去和美国鬼子(或韩国鬼子)拼个你死我活呢。。捐躯于疆场呢? 一句话>>>这些人TMD呶种。。。哪些被他们杀害的手无寸铁的人根本是无任何意义的(没有一个政府会向一个组织屈服的,也不会因个人而放弃国家利益)。所以被害的人是完全值得同情的。


而哪些手无寸铁的人们才是真正的受害者, 他们没有一个是deserve it

最初由 soldier 发布

你以为 If he is working for civil projects like builing schools or hospitals,他就不会被杀了? 在阿富汗被杀的中国工人就是很好的例子。

"i don't understand why they are killed. ",因为那些凶手和杀害南韩人的凶手一样,都是恐怖主义分子,这些人共同的特点是疯了。

最初由 LogyBear 发布


possible. iraqis are normal people. they think like human, but osama ben laden's new homeland's people: poor, unducated, and you don't know what they think.

iraq once was the best in the west, but not it is down. but 阿富汗 sb are always piece of shiit.
最初由 chinadian 发布



最初由 chinadian 发布


now i believe u are not only croward, u are a idiot too.

what the logic...hahaha.......
killing civilian >>> evil+croward. start the war >>>evil
u try to compare two evils which evil is a better evil? ..hahaha

then try to ask one evil offer weapon to other evil, let them fight to see who is a more stronger evil???....

u are a pure idiot