

昨天去投票,人很多,排了40分钟才排到。同排队的老外问为什么投票的CHINESE不多(长长的队伍只有3个,而住在选区的中国人比例高达30%),是不是CHINESE都不CARE?:mad: :mad: :mad:
最初由 厚道 发布
昨天去投票,人很多,排了40分钟才排到。同排队的老外问为什么投票的CHINESE不多(长长的队伍只有3个,而住在选区的中国人比例高达30%),是不是CHINESE都不CARE?:mad: :mad: :mad:

make Chinese an official language then more will vote. when english and useless french are used in BC in polls, how could you like 15% of the voter who are chinese vote?

fight for the right of chinese. french want to keep their culture, we need to too.

say no to big guys. we want our right and voice.
最初由 厚道 发布
昨天去投票,人很多,排了40分钟才排到。同排队的老外问为什么投票的CHINESE不多(长长的队伍只有3个,而住在选区的中国人比例高达30%),是不是CHINESE都不CARE?:mad: :mad: :mad:

Re: Re: 有老外问为什么投票的中国人不多?[闲聊]

最初由 beauty_ZZ 发布



去年我就是犯懒,没去选省长:blowzy: :blowzy: ,如今看着那万恶的麦肯鸡就生气:flaming: :flaming: :mad: :mad:
不光是这样...老是说中国人多...但在最热闹的,人最多的RIDEAU CENTER...我们也几乎见不到很多的中国人...到是国会山旅游的人有很多是中国人...除了CHINATOWN以外...

最初由 匪兵甲 发布
在国内被政治吓怕了. 数十年来,政治是你死我活的残酷的阶级斗争,在位国家主席都被斗得家破人亡,草民想过太平日子的,就得"莫谈国事". 习惯了.

最初由 匪兵甲 发布

Maybe you should suggest this to China government, giving everyone a 1000 RMB and rip off their voting right, so that they can stay in the power forever. Or they should try this in Hong Kong first.
Re: Re: 有老外问为什么投票的中国人不多?[闲聊]

最初由 chinadian 发布

make Chinese an official language then more will vote. when english and useless french are used in BC in polls, how could you like 15% of the voter who are chinese vote?

fight for the right of chinese. french want to keep their culture, we need to too.

say no to big guys. we want our right and voice.

Fighting our rights doesn't mean that we should introduce Chinese as official lnaguages. That makes Chinese more like invaders than immigrants. Don't you think it will be a good idea that French should speak French and Chinese should speak Chinese, Italian should speak Italian, then maybe Canada will be splitted into severak small countries, like Vancouver becoming a Chinese-speaking country, and Montreal becomes French-speaking country.

The point to immigrate here is for everyone to admire the value and system running here, not to break it. That will make this country more strong. Multi-culturelism doesn't mean that you don't have to speak English, but only Chinese. That will only separate this country.

I found some of our folks coming here don't like to spend effort to integrate into this country, but just want to enjoy the benefit from it. That won't work and it will only destroy this country. Maybe several generations down the road, our folks have to pack and find some new place to immigrate to.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Maybe you should suggest this to China government, giving everyone a 1000 RMB and rip off their voting right, so that they can stay in the power forever. Or they should try this in Hong Kong first.

我靠,一人1000 RMB,也就是说要14000亿RMB才能搞定? 你想让中国政府破产啊? 有这么多钱,多养些警察,多建些监狱,对付那些胆敢要投票权的人足够了。中国政府几十年的实践证明,既不给投票权也不给钱的方法,最适合在中国的中国人。